Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

more so if you’re only able to do maybe four bountiful delves a day if just entering a bountiful forcibly uses a key even if you weren’t going to crack open the bountiful chest that run.

mines at 19 seems to be ok

Nobody “decides” they don’t want relationships, you either have the looks for that, or you don’t.

For some reason he only earns XP from Bountiful Delves after 15. Apparently that’s by design and they’ll add a tooltip to explain that. Not sure why theyd design it that way tbh.

This is a pretty big yikes for me. Who wants to spend so much time grinding brann xp on alts? not me

You need to increase Brann’s XP gain if you’re going to severely limit how many delves a day can give him XP.

Also notice his +dmg / heal per level gained has changed? He was getting +5% each level after 11 to 15, but up to 19 now he’s only gained +3% each level. Does it continue to scale downward as he levels up or is it +3% from 20 thru 60?

How can I get to level 5 if Brann doesn’t get any XP? As far as I can tell the first four levels only appeared after Brann had certain amount of XP. Nothing in the game indicated otherwise.

Did anyone see if you get xp for repeating a bountiful delve once the epic rewards are gone? Or is this an alt xp farm until they nerf that too thing.

Im fully expecting this to get changed but…
I actually approve.
I wanted dailies to return. This isnt quite how i pictured it, but its still a form of daily.
This moves the gameplay away from the dragonflight “log in once a week” cycle and i think thats awesome.

How much time I have to play wow varies by day. Sometimes, I can sit down and spend four hours on the game. Sometimes, I have at most 20 minutes.

You straight up advertised delves as “something you could do while making coffee”

Leveling alts with Brann? Waste of time before 80 for Brann xp. Sure you’ll have hardcore players capping Brann inside a month. They’ll progress and get all the mounts in a couple months, and then they’ll move on to endless mythic grinds or whatever.

Respect player time. Part of that is not feeling like we have to do dailies, and sometimes we have to just grind it out hopping on once a week.

If you really feel like you need to time gate Brann, put a cap on his XP per week. Don’t do it by limiting how we level him.


Finally from Bliz

At level 15 and higher, Brann only gets XP for seasonal progression from bountiful delves.

We have a hotfix coming that will make this more clear in the tooltip. From level 1 to 14, Brann gains XP from all delves, and then from level 15 to 60, the tooltip will read:

 Complete bountiful delves to increase Brann's power in combat during the season.

you get xps from any delv at that level of a brann.

I was grinding my delvs yesterday after work from 4 to 7, I play slow and solo most of the time and between unlocking delv 5 or 6 ( i cant remember) my brann got a giant amount of xps and went to level 14 (hes not 15 yet for me) but i have to complete a delv 7 tonight (hopefully he dings to 15 before I try a bountful delv 8)

Whew! Thank goodness Blizzard is artificially timegating more content. I was almost affraid there for a second that I’d actually have fun! Can’t be having that now. Thank you for not disappointing me Blizzard!


Anyone else getting sick of this crap?


maybe bliz will add a way for bountiful delvs for the day to always be bountiful so we can just re-do them over and over to level up our branns past level 15. So Brann can get to level 60? Thats a crazy amount of bountiful delv grinds, anyone able to post how much xps a level 15 brann gets from 1 bountiful delv?

Pretty much this. Can already solo 11s with 590 ilvl, they are just timegating Branns power so eventually anyone can solo with ease, but not week 1. Also doing the first 4 got Brann to 20, so I think people might be getting worked up over nothing.

My Brann’s curios aren’t leveling up.
They all are still at 1/4 and he’s level 15.

I’ve gotten a few curios more than once and all it says in the tooltip is, that I’ve already got that one, and the dupes have all been the same 1/4 upgrade level.

of the many things to complain about, this isn’t one of them

My favorite part is how you got everyone else in an uproar. I get you want comms from blizz. Luckily you got it, most times isnt the case. But are any of u gonna say you havent checked wowhead? It was posted tuesday morning. Nothing below an 8 or bountiful will give brann xp. Infos out there.