Anyone else not getting Brann XP?

You know times are tough when even solo content and NPCs are being hit by unnecessary timegates.


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technically “again” works here, but thanks for the info…I see he’s not getting exp in a non-bountiful T6 I’m now doing…

kind of just seems like a way to force people to do Bountifuls when they pop up

The upside being that Brann is warband-wide, so it’s not like you’re wasting time as alts get to use him too…even though the leveling is slow

That’s kind of my thoughts

So… all the little XP trinkets throughout Delves are just useless, then?

This is not a good design.

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More stupid gates, doubly so given the way bountiful works as a four a day limit rather than something like a seasonal XP limit that increases as the season progresses.

I guess anyone that plays on a few off days but not every day is just screwed.

Like so many ‘features’ implemented over the past few expansions, Blizzard can make it sound great in their marketing, still good in the testing, only to screw it up on live.



This is an actual awful design choice.
I thought it was a bug which led me to the forums, only to find out it is “intended”

So mislaid curiosities are completely useless now because they give what… 2 gold or 5 resonance crystals instead of XP now?


Delves were great solo fun during early access and up until now
Why change it and ruin the progression?


Have you tried level 5 and up? I’ve heard people say they were getting experience in level 5 bountiful delves.

Nah they give you either 3 gold or 2 resonance crystals

If they will only give us 4 a day, at least let them stack up instead of use it or lose it. Someone only getting to play weekends for example should be able to spend a Saturday ramming out the 20 from the week. No downside to that.

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Am debating quitting the game. Delves are not fun and rarely drop anything other than crest, stones and Follower Dungeons more of the same. Ask a question in a follower dungeon and get told to “Get Good” because the followers where not saying what to do because you have to do “The Dawn Breaker” for weekly.

Most of the gear I’ve gotten up to now was just an item level boost, and little stamina which wasn’t better than my tier set until Blizzard decided hey let’s break your tier gear once your 80 and not at 71. Can’t do Zekvir quest until I get to at least tier 7, and I am currently trying 6 at item level 515 which says I should be in 574 minimum.

They lock slow travel behind a Path Finder not taking into consideration of people that can’t use fast travel with ease. Mutiple bugs that still persist in the content I do which is easy for me but seems not to get fixed unless it affects dungeons/economy/raiding.

Oh gosh, my mistake. What an incredible reward. Totally worth fully exploring all the delves.

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Well, regardless of the salt in here, I plan to run as many as possible as often as possible cause I want the gear and the stuff to fix up my new little flying machine :smiley:

Oh dont forgot the sack of gold containing a whopping 44 pieces

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As a casual, doing nothing more than Delves and World quests, my Druid is 577 with one crafted piece (my mats) in the crafter’s hall. Between all the upgrades thanks to crests and the Weekly cache drops, I now have my 2nd tier in the Great vault ready and only need 4 more delves for my 3rd which is a guaranteed 587 for open world content. While others are choking on Mythics, I am just chillin in the open world and leveling gear just as fast. Sound to me like maybe you need a break.

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Do the people mad about this actually know how much regular delves and bountiful delves give xp wise?

No sane person is going to grind regular delves. The people that did it fast before were with multibox hijinks.

Cool, I was worried the bis play is farming lowbie delves. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Terrible change. Please undo it. There’s 0 reason to brick Brann’s XP.

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Did 4 tier 8 delves and brann is lvl 20. Skittering Breach he did 90% of my dps to the final boss of a delve.

At level 15 and higher, Brann only gets XP for seasonal progression from bountiful delves.

No one’s going to want to hear this, but I think this is…fine.

I started today with Brann about 10% through 15. Each bountiful gives him a HUGE exp bonus at the end. I didn’t notice it the first time I did a tier 6 Bountiful, but I just did a Tier 7 Bountiful and he got 32400xp when the boss died (the level requires 37875). Now he’s almost 75% through lvl 16.

If he was a personal bodyguard that had to be leveled up on each character, I’d see a problem. But I can take my strongest character through and level him up each week on the best Bountifuls I can do, and my alts get to benefit.

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