Anyone Else Kinda Just...Depressed?

Given a choice, i prefer the former role.

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I meanā€¦the Alliance ship for interesting and smart storytelling disappeared when Anduin didnt listen to two military commanders and his mentor along with Jaina doing a 180 out of nowhere to not push a military advantage.


Because that would mean that the horde would simply lose. and probably be deleted.
the incredible imbalance of power is annoying.

this story is dumb.


Imagine being an Alliance hardcore player: being there listening to Shaw say the Alliance will win in a matter of weeks on all fronts. You hear Wrymbane say how the Golden Fleet has been decimated and that the Alliance need to push the advantage. Then you hear Genn Greymane agree with the military leaders and advisors.

Then to have all crash down when Anduin says no. And Jaina performs one of the quickest 180s and says no.


I agree that itā€™s aggravating and itā€™s all to solve a problem that the writers just created!

Obviously one faction is not going to outright win a two faction game. So why would you ever set up the plot to give one side such a huge advantage if you are then forced to immediately retract said advantage in the most ham-fisted way imaginable?

Itā€™s like the writing team just said, ā€œHey, you know what would be cool? If the Alliance just blew up that whole fleet!ā€ ā€œBut then donā€™t they just win the war?ā€ ā€œNah, theyā€™ll feel bad about it so they wonā€™t bother. But those explosions are gonna look GREAT!ā€


Its why the faction war has been so forecasted since War of the Thorns. Alliance were straight up going to win EVERY conflict with the Horde because its how Blizzard told the last Alliance-Horde war.

The problem is nowā€¦their main story drive is Horde side with Sylvanas vs Saurfang. So the writers have to consistently bail them out when they are literally about to lose.

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That is pretty much what we were told a long time ago.

Interview with Danuser, Polygon, August 2018

We all suspected the Alliance would be readying nothing more or less than another mighty finger-wagging back then, and it looks like thatā€™s exactly where weā€™re headed. The surprise is that we were right. All the anger of characters like Tyrande (who has had her vengeance, it seems) and Genn comes to absolutely nothing, with no resolution on the horizon.


Nightborne is my consolation prize for having my two favorite racial factions destroyed in one expansion just so every Thrall/Baine/Saurfang fan could feel good about themselves. And i say this as someone that is a Thrall fan, but the circumstances of his return has made me a bittersweet fan at the moment.


-Being depressed over a vidya game

Iā€™m sorry (not sorry), but itā€™s not real.

What you should really be sad about is how the Alliance now has to intervene because the Horde isnā€™t mature enough to take care of their own problems. This takes away time for the Alliance to actually have a story for themselves instead of us beating up the Horde and taking their lunch money for the hundredth time.


For us, it was the worst day of our lives (besides Teldrassil). But for Blizzard, it was a Tuesday.


i still canā€™t understand how the hell they managed to put such horrible dialogue after raid.

like i feel until that point they did almost everything right and ruined it all in the end.
there was so many different things that they could have done to make it better but they were just lazy.
instead of a ā€œwe will gather our forces and push the attack as soon as we can to end the warā€ you put that and then in 8.1.5 you have the naga already being annoying and then both fleets gets destroyed. at least it would not make us look like idiots for not pushing the damn attack.
or explaining better what better we would have for not doing it, meh, i will not bother anymore with that, i will just forget it and move on.


You can be let down and sad over a work of fiction failing to meet your expectations after a decade long engagement with it and still be a healthy, functioning human being.

Of course itā€™s not real. Of course we know itā€™s dog(profanity) and any sane person would have just laughed, uninstalled the game and moved on to something better. Emotional investment keeps us around. Emotions are illogical and thatā€™s a pretty normal thing in people.

If youā€™ve never, at any point in your life, felt down over your expectations on something being betrayed, I donā€™t know what to tell you.


I mean for me its a nothingburger that only drove a bad story.

Iā€™m at the Acceptance stage OP.


Depressedā€¦ Not even close. Iā€™m about to break down. My very own Regent is about to join a rebellion ā€˜ā€œprayingā€ his people will followā€™!!! Mean while, due to game mechanics, I will be forced to join a traitor and a dishonourable orc against Sylvanas and then continue to just accept who ever the new Warchief end up because ā€œSylvanasā€ is badā€¦


I saw Phantom Menace opening night.

I was hoping for and expecting the Clone Wars and the floundering Senatorial politics that would come in 2 and 3. Instead I got Jar Jar and Pod racing.

I think that inoculated me.

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No, I am not depressed. Getting rid of Sylvanas will be the best thing for the Horde.

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Iā€™m having a good time, if that makes anyone feel betterā€¦

I am just exhausted.

They donā€™t care. Why should I? There is only just so much childhood nostalgia could carry.

Its exactly like what happened with Game of Thrones. The creators did not care anymore, they just wanted to finish it and move on to the new star wars series they want to make.
We all know it is going to be terrible but at least they are moving on.

Where are the wow writers moving on to? Unemployment? lolā€¦

ā€œTyrande had her revengeā€
Another sad orc cinematic.
Battle for Azeroth has less faction conflict than mists of panderia or cataclysm.
This is a 60$ game with 15$ USD per month. How can they be so incompetent?

I am gonna go and give ESO a real chance this time. Tried to play FF Online, the weeb stuff just isnā€™t for me.


Yes. All of this.