I remember being 6 years old, visiting the Undercity for the first time on my little tauren warrior with my mother watching me play over my shoulder. Speaking to Sylvanas was such a cool experience for me, trying to figure out why the Forsaken existed and why they liked green slime so much. It was fun, it was different, it was new.
Fast forward to now, 15 years later, I’m 21 and I’m watching my favorite character, Sylvanas, slowly degrade as a character, not only in the eyes of every character, but also in the eyes of the fanbase. She’s been ruined, irreversibly. No matter what direction she goes, if she isn’t just wiped from the story, players will always hate her. Kerrigan 2.0, Illidan 2.0, Garrosh 2.0, Grommash 2.0, whatever, whatever.
Do “true Horde” players, on the side of Saurfang (or at least on the side of killing Sylvanas) actually believe they’re gaining anything from this storyline? Do they think the Horde is growing anything but weaker, and smaller, and more limited, with fewer characters–let alone interesting characters with years of history?
I feel like all my faith in the writers has been ripped out of me. I don’t think they have any grand twist. They destroyed the True Horde I cared about: a unified Horde under a Sylvanas who’s seen character growth, who loves the Horde, the Sylvanas I saw in the BfA cinematic who could stand against the Alliance on moral footing which could at least be considered within miles of being equal. That hype is dead.
I’m just sad, dude. This sucks so bad. I feel physically ill just thinking about how badly the playerbase will always be fractured over this. It didn’t have to be like this.