I mean, my hypothetical situation wouldn’t have included Teldrassil. There wasn’t much of this bloodlust for her before that point. People made it through Cata-Legion just fine hating her. It’s fair anyway, we get Jaina pathos shoved down our throats and yo-yo’d up and down with whether she’s our friend or she thinks we’re scum but we’re not actually allowed to hate her because she’s sad. It’s more fun having a character that you’re given reasons to hate!
I think it’s likely we raid her, but she doesn’t die, and becomes a non-faction-affiliated antagonist or Illidan-esque “antihero” in the next expac. I think that will satisfy precisely no one, but it’s my best prediction to how Blizz is going to end this without a) keeping her in the Horde, which will make everyone except her die-hard loyalists mad, or b) killing her, which will make her die-hard loyalists and all the Horde players who are sick of Warchief death bingo mad.
If they sit Thrall back into the chair, then Warchief musical chairs might actually end. But only because Blizzard doesn’t have the cahoons to actually put Thrall in the dirt.
i mean half the playerbase will get pissed no matter which ending blizzard chooses, but they wrote themselves into this corner with the burning of teldrassil
I feel the same way, though as an Alliance player for different reasons. I sympathize with Horde players though. My main Horde alt is a Forsaken warlock and I’ve always RP’d him as a Sylvanas loyalist, so I get it on some level.
I’ve been playing since The Burning Crusade, and I’ve never not played as much as I haven’t this expansion. Part of that is that I have issues with the trash gameplay this expansion (class nerfs after Legion, abysmal azerite system, heart of azeroth grind, boring dungeons and raids, achievements almost entirely RNG dependent, etc). The other part is that the story just makes me depressed. As a Night Elf fan it’s just…not fun. My favorite race gets brought to the brink of extinction, my favorite leveling zones from when I began playing are either ash and cinders or wartorn wrecks. And it’s all in service of a story about the Horde finding itself. Again.
I just want them to end this awful expansion. Just let 8.3 be the final patch and reveal what the next expansion is. Hopefully it’ll be something that gets the fanbase excited and hopeful again, though honestly I’m not sure if the damage BfA has caused can be undone.
I really feel for Night Elf and Forsaken fans, in particular. I think both stories have gone in a direction that is not what most of those players would choose for their faction, and the loss hasn’t come with a commensurate reward.
I was a Sylvanas fan before this expansion. It’s been a drag watching her get turned into such a predictable villain. And for what?
But NONE of the rest of it had to happen to give them an excuse to bring Thrall back. Thrall could have come back for any reason - because the Old Gods are a threat, to defuse tensions between the factions in a less-fraught faction conflict, because he missed the shampoo brand he could only buy in Orgrimmar - they could have written him back in at ANY point for ANY reason. None of it required the faction war, Sylvanas’s uber heel turn, Horde war crimes, or night elf genocide.
So yeah, I’m just left wondering… why? Who were they writing this story for, and what did they think it would accomplish?
All of which still have a rabid fanbase of their own. I have said this before and I will say it again. Blizzard hasn’t played all of the cards in the Sylvannas’ hand yet. She may still wind up finishing this expac as an EdgeLady Antihero.
Yeah I’m pretty depressed myself. I remember being 17 seeing night elf model Sylvanas for the first time late into BC. Good times. I always told myself since Cata how they handled Sylvanas would make or break me. I just wish I didn’t have to wait 10 years for it to happen.
It also depresses me to see the treatment of the night elves and if it was in my power I’d have Stormwind burn to the ground instead. However, I can’t bring myself to be depressed with the Horde being the “Bad Guys” because I just don’t care. I don’t have the sympathy required to feel bad about what the Horde does to the Alliance because time and time again the Alliance has shown they can’t rein in their @&#$ (Stormheim, Silithus for example) for more than 5 sec.
My time playing this at a hardcore level is coming to an end and I’m going to see BfA to the bitter end, and how it ends dictates if I’m going to play casually or not play at all.
Simply put, the story’s depressing for me if only because there’s nothing positive in it. Sounds dumb, but that’s the crux of things.
-We’re on our fourth expansion in a row where the Horde largely either does nothing of significance or is the main source of all problems. Taking things a step further, I can’t think of any time in WoW where the Horde was actually viewed as a solution to a problem. BfA, of course, turns it up to 11 with an entire quest chain and raid tier devoted to the Horde’s sheer incompetence at pretty much everything.
-We’re still hemorrhaging characters for shock value. We lost King R and Zeiling to faction war campaign nonsense. We’ll probably lose Sylvanas as well. As is Horde tradition, we either won’t replace them or will find a significantly worse character to do so.
-Tying in with the above, the remaining characters all feel like they’re getting defanged in some way or another. The “good” horde - Saurfang and Baine, are now both on the record for having to sulk and cry to the Alliance for aide. What sort of Horde is this going to leave us with at the end of BfA? If they dump Calia on is, pretty much the only difference of opinion for the Horde leadership is how amazing Anduin is. (Yes, even Talanji - they’ll come up with some crap for her to see the light and apologize to Anduin for Mekletorque getting hurt in BoD.)
-We’re also back to working with the Alliance characters again. This time around, we have to do things with Shaw, Genn, Shandris, and Jaina (twice - once for the scenario and again in Nazjatar). So, basically the same group that knocked off Rastakhan this patch. I’m surprised they haven’t had any sort of snark from Jaina added in about how little of an effect we had on her at the end of the raid. (Also, where’s my horse? pretty sure I’ve done enough for the Alliance leadership over the years to earn a free faction mount.)
There’s more, but that’s basically it. Why does the Horde have to fail at everything it attempts? Why can’t it solve its own issues? Why can’t we keep good characters around (and stop having the ones that survive become Anduin’s secret fanclub)?
BfA just feels like a very poorly written movie. Everything is for shock value and nothing for substance.
(I’m basically in raid-only mode now. I’m finding the best way to enjoy the non-raid time in BfA is to go play BotW instead.)
The only reason I express any joy about the current story whatsoever is that at least the Horde isn’t going to be explicitly labelled by the narrative as villains afterwards. It never should have gotten this far, though, nor did it have to drag so many characters through the mud and into the grave to get to that point. With a cost like that, all this story leads is disappointment.
See, I’m a simple gal who’s easy to please. And the Horde was sold to me on the premise that monstrous people can be and do right in this world. So I’ll be honest, as long as I don’t have to put three layers of “not me though!” in an RP profile addon to make a Horde character not be intrinsically evil, I’ll probably stay subbed. I’m an idiot. But until efforts are made to correct course after BfA, I will be complaining all the while because I care about the Horde and its people.
I mean, the Horde are villains. I personally led the way to Teldrassil, and facilitated all kids of shady shenanigans for Sylvanas (and for Garrosh before her).
If you play Horde, you spend a significant chunk of your time as a stooge for super villains. I’m sure we’ll be told that we are absolved of all guilt, etc., but that doesn’t mean none of it happened. It just means that the writers will pretend like they didn’t have us do all the bad stuff, and pretend like it makes sense for the Alliance to forgive and move on until the next time we sucker punch them.