Anyone else hate the car?

I want to see how it progresses with other gear and my own practice with maneuvering the thing. It will also help to get a lay of the land - for me - so I’m less scanning the mini-map, and spending more time with eyes on the road ahead to steer.

Hate this new car stuff…I am using my Trusty Magic Rooster Egg mount :chicken: instead…don’t give a crap if its slower then the car…at least my chicken doesn’t get snagged on crap on the ground…and can run though puddles and not dismount me…like the car will…


The car is fun to drive. Way more fun than flying. I kinda like picking far away destinations, which I avoid even with skyriding. I think acceleration over top speed is the move, there aren’t enough straightaways and in practice you’re usually turning into alleys and stopping often.

Regarding flying: they just invented a new form of faster flying, yet they “hate flying” and “want to move it out of the game.” Genius observation.

All this talk about “forcing players to slow down” must be people who literally can’t drive in a straight line. The lack of vertical movement is basically evened out by the huge increase in ground speed.

I turning now
Good luck everybody

As someone who doesn’t really do racing games, the car is something that I’m still working on. I’ve crashed into stuff, gone into the water, ended up turned around.

No, just you.

It also doesn’t matter what you think. Your not the game director.

I enjoy the car, I do wish the zone was a little bigger but I love how fast you can get across it by driving. I just wish it didn’t take away your normal action bar.

I hate it untiiiiil…I see someone fly past me and i realize i’m going a third the speed. So i get on it and constantly open up my map. Sigh

I hope there is some way to include the Hateforged Blazecycle, I sacrificed my health drinking all that Mountain Dew! Not really, my Grandson loves that stuff, saved it for him.

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God I hope not…

I hate the car. Damn thing moves way too fast for the tight spaces you have to work with. I even tried putting in the slower engine (or at least that’s what I thought I was doing swapping to the “scenic” option) and it’s still annoying. Not sure why we need to turn an MMORPG into Mario Kart but quite honestly, the cars are easier to control in that game.

As a tauren, I also hate the buildings in the new zone. Like, they put so much detail into the design, but I can’t see a damn thing in there.


You understand that you don’t have to use the car you can use anyone of your ground mounts

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Its just another forced metric for their numbers. Take away flying and make the only fast choice the car. Sure you can use your ground mounts (I do) but it is substantially slower. (again I use my ground mounts, I do not care for the car). Its so whoever made the car sees that it gets used.


I don’t like the car, but not because I don’t like it, it’s because it makes me motion sick. It’s not a big deal, I just use my normal mounts.

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I dunno, I think the car mechanics are actually pretty sick and it’s cool how they managed to get it to work in WoW.

Pro-tip: you gotta drift on turns and use mouse to steer.

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yea flying means get things done quicker… cant have that theyd actually have to create content. the car is the biggest waste of resources i think ive ever seen. nobody wanted it and its horribly bad.


I don’t hate it.

I am actually enjoying it.

I’m not allowed to drive irl(medical).

I’m cutting loose with this one.


Can’t stand using D.R.I.V.E due to motion sickness. I just don’t understand why we have motion sickness settings for sky riding but not for the new car. I had to lie down for an hour in a dark room after trying it out for about 1p minutes.

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staying with old ground mounts and this DRIVE thing is too fast and a pain to handle.


Love it. Driving with one hand is a snap. Helps to have 3 extra buttons on the side of the mouse.