Anyone else hate the car?

Or the feedback they got was lost amongst the chafe. I can’t always blame the whistleblowers for their lung capacity. :stuck_out_tongue:

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With how smooth all other things control even dragonflying or dynamic whatever its called is super smooth it takes a bit of skill to use but when you screw up its on you. With the whole drift thing to turn half the time its out of your control you have no fine control for turning you just let jesus have the wheel and pray.


And i just went too fast on a straight away and got dc’d by wow. lmao. amazing design.

Dislike the car, Undermine, all of it lol. Doesnt seem like my cup of tea. The whole zone just seems cluttered. Every time I start to move the car I get stuck on something. Cant really get going fast. I’m glad for the folks who do like it. I am just not one of them. Maybe it will grow on me maybe it wont. But I will keep my head down and just grind it out looking for the 11.2 light at the end of the tunnel.


Ohh yeah the car thing…
Not interested enough to care about it.

Ive dragged the icon somewhere so the extra action ability dissapeared. But that’s it.

Ill probably only use the car for the weekly quest.


meh it will take some practice but, its kinda fun. I dont see it sticking around for more than this part of the expansion, but, i can try a few races n stuff. Once my server is a bit better on the lag issue.

Being DC’d by the highlight feature of the patch by going to fast…i just…nvm…uggh


yet another undercooked feature squeezed out from between blizzard’s cheeks


Love the car. Drifting is fun. Reading through this thread is quite hilarious, however. I didn’t know there were THIS many people bad at driving games, even with such simple mechanics as D.R.I.V.E. Explains a lot for the behavior of mouth breathers on my way to ksm that I have to keep alive.


The races are rough, im trying the first one and im always missing it by one second, its brutal.

Forcing ppl to play a driving game just to get around is prob the most troll thing Blizzard has done in awhile. It would be like you buying GTA/Need for speed and then you had to play 5 games of candy crush every time you wanted to do a race…

There is also MASSIVE QoL issues with the car that will NEVER get fixed. The fact that it is a Vehicle and not a mount cause a million issues with classes such as druid, or if you ever want to attack something from the car you have to EXIT VEHICLE, or use a spell NOT on your Main action bar. If you use anything but 12345 keys to do anything, or dynamic flying, GOOD LUCK… You cant change keybindings or positions of spells soooo if “5” is mouse wheel up on main bar then guess what that’s the ONLY button you can use it for… or how about Every Time you talk to anyone while in the car it DISMOUNTS you? Like what??? Or if you just want to drive Normally, you have to turn with spacebar because you cant make the turns at normal speed. There are like a million invisible wall ground effects that just randomly crash into.

Fixing the main problem that would solve 50% of most peoples main issues is treating it like dynamic flying mounts where were can set our own key bindings and have our own bar when in the vehicle… Then we could use spells, talk to vendors, arrange our own buttons to do the vehicle mechanics etc etc… but that’s a pipe dream. This will definitely be the bane of this expansion… its just bad bad.

TLDR: Make it function like Dynamic Flying and it will fix 50% of the issues. Make it like Siren Isles where eventually we can fly instead of playing a car mini game anytime we want to do content and youwill fix the other 50%


Give me a trusted land mount as the Magic Rooster Egg mount :chicken: …I’ll do any zone me and my Rooster seen years of fights and all …

It’s nothing more than an engagement metric. I hated the car from the moment I learned of its conception.


Flying was always a bad idea to begin with. Oh well.


I like the car, I just think the zone could have been designed better for it…like maybe longer straight sections, bigger, not so congested, etc. It’s weird that the car is so fast yet the zone so tiny.


I think blizzard has a lot of idea people…what they need are people who say no make another dungeon.


it sounds like this isn’t really the game for you. I feel as though from your comment you would rather be spending time grinding, mythic plus then building renowned and playing out in the zone. It may be time to just find something entirely new that also offers flying. Have you considered Final Fantasy?


I love racing games, and rocket league.

I do not enjoy 900% movement speed through the most cluttered zone in wow’s history. And a very tiny zone too.

There’s a huge disconnect between D.R.I.V.E.'s design, and undermine’s design.


I like it. Its fast fun travel.


I absolutely hate it so far, but I intend to give it a chance. I’m sure much of my dislike for it is because I suck at controlling it. Hopefully with practice I’ll get proficient enough with it to use it efficiently when I need to.

I felt the same way initially about dragon riding, but now it’s fine. I usually only use it when I need to cover large distances, though, because I like the better control of regular flying when I am gathering or doing dailies.

One nice thing about D.R.I.V.E. is that you don’t have to do that ridiculous long “switch flying modes” thing to easily switch between the car and a regular mount.

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