Wait until you find out you can’t fly for these either
D.R.I.V.E. is the worst of the worst driving games! I don’t play driving games because I HATE DRIVEING GAMES! As long as I can just not do any of the DRIVE crap I will be Okay with this patch! But If I have to do them to unlock things I will need I am going to be beyond pissed!
If by revolutionary and innovative you really mean its shy tea, and derivative. Sure.
It’s probably one of the worst things ive seen from the wow team since shadowlands. I’m so confused how they can make such an awful feature and have it lauded as a key feature they are trying to push so hard in this patch.
Thankfully it’s not tied to player power or progression or the forums would be ablaze with anger. Lol.
If they let me have similar speed on my ground mount then fine, but they trying to force players to use the drive system by making ground mounts the slower form of travel.
Blizzard is always taking one step forwards two steps backwards.
I don’t like it right now, but it’s probably because of the crazy lag in the zone tbh.
Absolutely worst thing to be forced onto players. You cant even change keybinds for it, you now have to click out of it to do anything. Let me unmount then do any ability or i have to Keep it off the normal action bar? Why is this not like skyriding where you can set your own bar? … Thought that would be common sense?
so far I’m not a fan, but I’ll probably get used to it given time.
yea it’s really annoying that, as a druid, I can’t shift out of it.
It cant turn to save its life its just infuriating especially when hitting a stick jutting out of the ground stops you and forces you to back up to get around it.
The way you wrote that, I can’t decide if you’re Blizzard employee, or are just being snarky.
I had to look it up, since I know I had this song on an iPod Nano’s playlist. This came out in 2006, which was 19 years ago(!).
at least there’s no flame leviathan where we have to fight a raid boss in the cars…
unless that’s the secret mythic phase
I don’t hate it, but the drifting needed more time in the oven.
And you get dismounted when you talk to anyone to then have to mount back up? What is this spaghetti code?!?!
I’m just using a ground mount instead. Don’t care for it. Don’t think I’ll spend much time in this zone.
haven’t got mine yet
but if it’s like the one from the starting zone I loved being able to play with the radio and listen to radio shows.
do we get different channels to listen to or no?
I’d afk just to listen to GTA style radio stuffs
edit: The baseball guy was hillarious
Will be here for delve stories and raiding. The zone itself isn’t so bad in my personal opinion. I’m surprisingly intrigued after that opening cinematic.
But D.R.I.V.E is a bust.
I hate the very idea of it.
I’m sure it’ll probably improve when I’m able to get whatever customizations and tweaks for it they add, right now my gripe is how the concept kinda clashes with how narrow and close together everything is in Undermine. I feel like if the passages were wider it would feel better. I’m still using the car to give it a chance, but at least I still have my normal ground mounts worst case scenario.
I get a bit of Cyberpunk vibes.
Blizzard goofed with the drifting, idk what they were thinking here. Will keep an open mind but clearly they didn’t get enough feedback.
Sidestreet Sluice was pretty nice btw, not what I was expecting regarding the name tho.