Anyone else hate guild cliques?

It happens, nothing you can do.

I guess I’m just unlikable online. Ive never been part of a clique /shrug

Just do what I do and challenge them to a fight

Not blaming women lmao

My god, can we stop treating perfectly ordinary human behavior as if it’s a problem that needs to be fixed? “Cliques” form because, shocker, people are more comfortable talking with those they already have an established history with. They know each other’s personalities, what will make them laugh or what might offend them, and they have a shared history with each other.

Certainly there are some situations where groups of toxic people cause problems, but if you’re going to use that as a reason to try and force your way into a group of friends, you’re being the toxic one.


Not forcing anything… I’ve been in my current guild since Cataclysm. And yes, I realize that I am not in a guild.

Aren’t cliques natural?

You can have people you bond with more and maybe talk to. When someone is new it is still important to be friendly but as with anyone you’re both making a time investment to get to know one-another.

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It doesn’t need to be fixed I guess…

I suppose everyone not part of the clique shouldn’t even be in the guild then…

People are people, irl and in-game.

If you are so socially inept that you are incapable of making friends, maybe you shouldn’t be.

Why would I try to force my way into a group of people with an established history?

You make no sense.

I don’t know, the only guild I joined where I actively talked to people was my first ever one, and it was a really small guild, it was just me and the boys and the one girl. Other than that, I only have ever been in one of those really large guilds with a bunch of offline members, which means, I just wore their colors, but I always did stuff on my own.

People will hang around with those with whom they feel comfortable… period.

looks at the post title

That’s why I’m an anti-social hermit that never interacts with humans irl.


Everyone saw it though. Removing it doesn’t change the fact that you said it. Maybe you should think about why you said that in the first place.


Ah yes, a true Warlock.

You contradicted yourself, all I’m saying.

If people in guilds have cliques and little interest getting to know other people, why bothering inviting new members?

Aren’t guilds just one giant clique ?

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Guess my experiences are anecdotal shrug