Anyone else drop wow forDT?

Why don’t you scroll up and figure it out, I’ll wait.

Sabbi, sounds better then sabbia. It just does. You should change your name.

I think you mean “rofl”

Are you running out of steam, your posts are becoming boring, much like FF 14.

Considering I literally posted the screenshot, maybe you should scroll up instead lol.

Only if you pay for it.

No, I’m just having fun watching you have a psychotic meltdown, rofl.

I get that it sucks when people talk smack about a product you like while raising a similar one up. Tribalism and all that. But when you start throwing out facts that are blatantly untrue, it doesn’t really make you look like the good or right dude.

“All of the games are rehashes”
“Objectively bad game”
“Could never hold as many subs as WoW”

You’re allowed to dislike FF14 fanboys who think the game is flawless, but responding as a typical WoW fanboy makes you look like a Star Wars fan getting into a slapfight with a Trekkie.

You’ll look like a dork and/or idiot either way is what I’m trying to say.

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If you drag me into a conversation by making a snide comment, and then act rude towards me over a children’s game… wouldn’t that say more about you? Why do you care about FF 14 so much, why is it so intrinsic and valuable to your identity that you need to act like this to defend it? Do you just hope that Yoshi will descend from the heavens and bestow upon you his beneficence… "PLEASE NOTICE ME YOSHIII!!"

That is so sad, Sobbi.

No one dragged you into any conversations except for you lol. A joke about a game isn’t about you. The only way it could have been about you is if your name is John Fantasy. Is your name John Fantasy?

Also, what are you even talking about? I’ve been playing WoW for twice as long as FF14 lol.

Then why do you get upset any time anyone is critical of FF 14? Seems like a very strange double standard.

I don’t particularly care if people criticize WoW. If there are issues with the game, then they need to be talked about. Sabbi shut down another thread just because someone compared an expansion from FF 14 to an expansion in WoW. They had a really bad take, and now they’re doing much of the same thing here.

People can have what ever opinions that they want, but when people like sobbi try to shut discussions down, on a forum of all places, then that’s when I have issues. And, again, she’s a known and self proclaimed forum troll who has done this very same thing in the past.

I don’t? I point out stupid comments like I do with just about anything else.

Or I troll people for fun lol.

Thread didn’t get shut down, it got moved. It’s still there if you want to comment.

That comment wasn’t directed at you, I have no idea why you’re responding to it. rofl

I know that? I’m just pointing out the thread is still there, it didn’t get shut down lol.

Sorry, but that comment wasn’t even directed to you, so why are you responding to it, rofl?

So responding to a comment only is defending what I have been saying lol. I responded to a comment and you somehow thought it was about you. I responded to a comment and know it wasn’t. See the difference?

Sabbia, that comment wasn’t meant for you, I don’t know why you think it was directed towards you, rofl.

lol, you aren’t a part of that discussion, rofl.

Well that’s good, that just means you acknowledge that my comment wasn’t about you either lol.

To be fair I stopped reading your comments a few minutes ago after you stopped responding to the context of my posts. If you’d like to try again, and add quotations to the things that you’re responding to, I’d be happy to continue a conversation with you. Until then rofl, rofl, lol, rofl, :crayon: , :crayon: , rofl.

While you figure out how forums work, I’ll continue to have conversations with Orelias, that you clearly were never a part of and never will be a part of, rofl.

The irony here is you trying to pretend you understand how forums work and yet haven’t figured out how to differentiate between comments on posts lol. Glad to see you are still heavily trigged though.

I’m sorry, this post doesn’t meet criteria specified in a previous post, making this an inadequate post with insufficient body composition. If you’d like to reformat your post and try again, we’d be happy to read your post in its entirety, even though it’s probably inane garbage, regardless. rofl

I’m not sure why you are telling me you are triggered when you have done that yourself plenty lol.

Hello, Pot? This is Kettle. Their name? Oh, it’s Sobbio or something. Yeah, they get upset over stupid things and then make fools of themselves for many, many people to see. But, they think it’s fine as long as they call it “trolling.”

Again, irony coming from someone that doesn’t even know how forums function lol.

In this case, I am actually triggered because I have Vlad attacking me with 3 full stacks in Warhammer 3 right now lol.

Dawntrial has had the highest amount of players logged in at once then ever before.