Anyone else drop wow forDT?

DT is out now. So I haven’t been around.

Considering I have no clue what you’re talking about…I didn’t

What is DT


I haven’t dropped WoW for it by any means, but I’m greatly enjoying it.


Ah. I see. The FF14 x-pack that has been getting mixed reviews.

Not going to play it, but the new city and mounts look amazing.

Nah. Heard the story was meh. That’s really all I play FFXIV for… so when I heard that the story is “take it or leave it”… decided I’ll probably sit this expac out.

WoW is basically better than FFXIV in every way other than story IMHO… or if you want to build a house in an MMO for whatever reason.

The story’s middling.

What exactly is the “nah” toward? Or did you not mean to reply to me?

Oh whoops, meant to respond to OP not you.

Nah as in Not playing DT.

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Gotcha. I didn’t even notice it was replying to me until after the fact, so no worries.

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the story is only mid cuz it’s impossible to follow up SBR and EW without continuing to esculate the stakes and that’d cause burnout similiar to the mcu. So really Dawntrial story was destined to be received negatively. How do you follow up perfection? Still better then any WoW story. Probably ARR quality. It’s meant to be world-building for the next 10 years of the game.

It has its issues beyond just having large shoes to fill.

I do think some of its issues have been overblown (a particular character is not as bad as she’s made out to be, but is a little too prevalent IMO.) But largely the criticisms are very fair.

Comparisons to WoW aren’t exactly fair. As I’ve said before, WoW is not a game that focuses on story the way FFXIV does. It never has.

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Again, I can’t really speak specifics as I don’t know what the DT story is, but… sorry, IMHO, that’s just stupid.

The stakes don’t have to be high for the story to be good. The 2nd best movie ever created is about two guys in a prison. Spoiler alert: one escapes and the other is Morgan Freeman.

You don’t have to travel to the end of the cosmos and beat God’s God to have a good story… you just write a good story.

I think it’s basically arr-2 which is what it’s meant to be. Sure it might feel meh now but it’ll pay off in future expansions.

True. But People want the face pace world ending stakes. Trying to have an ARR-esque story. Very grounded and be as good as SHR/EW is unlikely.

It’s more like trying to follow up shutter island with shutter island 2. How do you beat one of the best video game story-archs ever?

I think realistically DT is a 7/10 but people are so used to 11/10 that it feels like a 5 orlower.

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I highly doubt anyone that’s invested for WoW this long, would easily jump ship for Dawntrail.

That being said, I could see myself checking out DT if TWW has any slow periods/lulls in content.

I played during SL, and enjoyed up to Shadowbringers.

The beastmaster stuff had me interested.

I don’t get why people are up in arms over the story when it’s clear that it’s very early and they’re setting up for the future. Of course there’s gonna be nothing interesting yet, lol.

I don’t care, I tried FF14 a few years ago and didn’t like it.

I’m very antsy for it. Probably my favorite part of the announcements, and god only knows how long until I even have more info.

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I said 6.5/10 but yeah, it’s not as horrible as people are pretending it is.

The actual gameplay though has been like a 9/10, it’s great. Apparently they got some new people for encounter design and clearly those people have been cooking.

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Oh yeah every single bit of gameplay content has ranged from great to phenomenal.

I’ve heard some complaints about specific jobs, but as GNB I couldn’t be happier.

I would only check out DT if I had more free time, just cause they added female Hrothgar. Otherwise I’ll just play Yoshi’s Story for a good story game.

I get that. Not every expac story can be amazing… I’ll be back to FFXIV once they put out another amazing story.

My bar’s gotta be high there because I just don’t feel like FFXIV does anything else that I care about better than WoW. WoW’s story has always been trash, but it’s just got a far better end game, class design and combat feel.

i just spent all my money and don’t already play or own ffxiv. :frowning: also i have a weird cowardice of trying new things for some reason.