A WoW friend of mine lives in Canada and was seeing -40°F lows this week. I’m here crying about temps in the teens and single digits.
Barely 48F in Southeast Texas, but looking at people you’d think it was -50F.
I have my windows open, enjoying the great weather and keeping my room nice & chill.
My car made some strange sounds (a rather strange “whirring” sound) when starting up yesterday after sitting for 2 days in this cold, and the battery is brand-new as of April 2023
Lol balmy 34F here atm - but we were in single digits just a few days ago lol.
minus 10c where I live, was minus 18c yesterday, ya I am cold.
-5°C here in Toronto and it’s going to feel like - 20°C tomorrow morning.
Of course we are cold. It’s winter. Wait a few months, the heat will return.
Or buy a second house in Australia.
Yes, but there is such a thing as “unusually cold” which is exactly what this arctic blast feels like
It’s caused by a breakdown in the Polar Vortex. Before there was climate change the cold air stayed up in the Arctic. One thing Climate Change did was to break down the Polar Vortex that kept that in place.
On the flip side, with the cold air leaving the Arctic, warm air is replacing it which is why the polar ice cap is melting.
-20 here with the wind chill. Try walking your dogs in that and expecting them to do their duty - they are NOT happy.
Most of us have been around long enough to know this is just weather as usual. Not all that uncommon to get a serious cold snap in the winter, or a serious heat wave in the summer. Weather staying in the average range would be really boring
It’s 8 °F here. I got a fire going. It’s the artice domes. Every since humanity broke the jet streams the artic domes wander the world and periodically come back to Canada, kind of like Dan Aykroyd
Its like 9 below here. Its not that bad. I havent even pulled my coat out of the closet yet.
I’ve been playing IRL Wizard of Oz the past few days.
We do too, but we’re also waiting on the snow to hit in about 2 hours. Reports are that we’ll get 3-5 inches.
In many states with snow removal resources it’s a minor inconvenience, but where I moved to it brings a halt to most everything.
it is so damn cold in Calgary I crawled into my freezer to warm up, = 30c
My husband, who is also sick with this head cold, wants to go outside and shovel the half inch of snow on the driveway, because, “It might get icy if I drive over it.”
Right now it’s a balmy 25 and breezy. Rain/ice/snow is expected tonight with lows in the teens. I may complain about Texas summers. But I hate this type of cold. I live in the south for a reason.
I’m in Alberta, I don’t think I need to elaborate.