Anyone else cold?

Last summer I moved a couple of hundred miles south, and today it’s in the single digits with snow on the way. They don’t even have snow plows around here, so I guess we’re supposed to wait for it to melt?


snowed here last night and is -4 right now without the windchill, we never have plows come out this way, learned to drive in it when I was 10


Cities in the south put salt on the roads. Not the best solution if it refreezes lol.
Do you really need to leave the house?

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I had to at my old house since I lived a mile from work, but my new boss came by the other day and now he knows what I mean by a steep driveway. I can get to work I think, but I don’t want my car stuck at the bottom of the driveway when I get home.

I brought my laptop home, and I’ll probably work from home the next couple of days.


It’s currently -4F with a windchill of -19F in the frozen tundra of east central Missouri.


It’s 17/feels like 8 in the mountains of central Arkansas right now.

I know why people live shoulder to shoulder in LA, but I can’t do it.


Yep it’s freezing here. Although, my more current issue is that I think I took too much Mucinex for this head cold.

I don’t want to call 911 in this insane cold. >.>


I know that you’ve been battling that for a while now. I hope you feel better soon!


You had the flu that was going around, and you’ll be fine.

This flu was strange. Came on strong then didn’t want to leave, but it eventually does. Getting up and around really helps.


On the way home yesterday I hit a spot that registered -18F in the vehicle. It’s a little better this morning at 9F.


How do y’all survive in negative degree weather? It’s like 50-60 degrees here and I’m freezing :sob:


I caught it a couple of weeks ago, but I was too stubborn to go to the doctor at first. I wound up getting bronchitis and it took a lot longer to pass than when I was younger. There’s a lesson to be learned there, but it escapes me.


Not leaving the house unless you have to helps a lot.


Here in the southwest corner of Tarrant County it’s 17F, wind chill 5F. There was a flurry in the forecast but it’s gone now.

Cold but manageable, as long as the power holds out.


Please don’t, leave their resources/ambulances/manpower for the actual emergencies in this cold (such as car accidents due to the ice)

It just so happens my aunt had 3 daughters, and basically all 3 of them ended up being hoodrat/welfare single mom types

They’ve regularly been calling 911 for trivial non-emergency stuff for years and years (…and of course, they never pay the bill and it just goes to collections). They treat the emergency room like a fast-food place lol :man_facepalming: It’s such a waste since they always just get sent back home/everything checks out normal

As you would expect, they have trash credit from all the unpaid bills/collections over the years. The oldest one still lives with my aunt in her 30’s (her trash credit makes it difficult to rent her own place), and she pays a ~$600/month car payment on like a 2011 vehicle (yikes) :grimacing:


lol, yeah, I refuse to learn that lesson too.

I got it at the start of December and it probably took most of the month to fully get rid of it. But for me it was just getting up and moving around that really helped.


Probably the same one I’m ignoring. LOL

I’m more susceptible to all of these things now. Part of my Long COVID problems. And I’m older now too. I’ve kept it from getting into my chest so far, which is good. But I started taking that Mucinex every 4 hours and for my tiny self that can’t even hold her alcohol… that wasn’t the best idea. LOL


No snow here, north central Texas right along the OK border.
But it got down to 6F and felt like -10F last night.

Thankfully I recently purchased this house that had 2ft of brand new installation installed. I’m actually a little too warm as I type this… woe is me huh


Not particularly but I don’t really get “Cold” per say. It’d have to be well into the single digits before I start complaining about it.

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Currently 63/17 C right now.

Wednesday the high is 45/7 C. Small amount of showers Tuesday night. But we did have three confirmed tornados on the Outer Banks during that nasty storm last week. 102 mph wind gusts of 102/164 km/h

:ocean: :leaves: :tornado: :ocean: :leaves: :tornado: