After The Shadowlands announcement, I made my rogue my last 120. Leveling is long in retail and is more of a grind.
You guys should REALLY stop doing things you don’t want to do.
Nice try, Eviscerate should have given it away : If Rogue is slow as molasse, the game is bad.
Calm down Greta, there’s no CO2 in WoW.
Uh ? I don’t want to roll my face accross the keyboard, I want to fill every GCD with meaningful attacks to work off each other.
You know, the complete opposite of Classic gameplay.
And i disagree, warrior and rogue gameplay feels nice.
It’s poison to the ears and you know it.
Is that why Shaman totems all got removed and turned into basic cooldowns?
And why classes like Demon hunter have a wealth of mobility, and 2 button rotations? And a large amount of survive-ability cool downs even for a DPS?
I’m all alt’d out. I don’t want to do the same content on several toons anymore.
I have your solution (hopefully).
If you don’t have them already make gunshoes. Best thing since toasted bread.
For 1-60 vary your path since you have heaps to choose from. Westfall is usually a good bet to start on.
I queue dungeons to keep things fresh.
I would give monk a go for any race you are doing heritage armour for. I am levelling my third and the damage after 8.3 buff is insane. Rising sun kick is doing chunks.
In retail yeah.
In Classic : “Not enough Energy”. “Not enough Energy”. “Not enough Energy”. “Not enough Energy”. “HEY GUY WHAT PART OF NOT ENOUGH ENERGY DON’T YOU BLOODY GET? ?!?!?!!”
I love the sound of a roaring engine actually. Sweet music.
What was fun about dropping Windfury so that rogues got extra yellow damage every 5 seconds when they actually managed to get enough energy ?
Classic class design is garbage.
Stop spamming buttons then. Here, i know you will enjoy it.
Because you actually have to pick your passive buffs based on the situaton.
It forces you to adapt and become a smart player.
lmao go play Shaman and Holy Priest in retail.
Swallow that can of worms and tell me you enjoyed it.
I expect that from you.
Why ? The GCD is over. Why should I wait for anything other than the GCD ?
Ah yes, picking “passive buffs” based on the situation is so much fun. Oh right, fun we still have using the talent trees with actual talents, not just “+1% hit with 1 spell”.
Because spamming Flash Heal is so much more entertaining in Classic ?
Shaman is fine. Ele is particularly strong. Where’s Earth Elemental in Classic ?
Because you actually should at least try to manage your resource. Did you know you can auto attack?
If the player can impact gameplay and be useful to their team with choices like these, then it’s very good design. Not everyone wants a generic cooldown but it summons a fancy hunk of junk.
Spamming flash heal? have you even played priest in classic?
Ignore Enhancement Shaman.
Try to exist as Elemental without gust of wind.
Pretend you actually have passive buffs that impact gameplay with restoration.
Aaaaaaaaaaand Shaman is just OKAY.
Ironic, coming from a DH.
But! pressing the same buttom is really hard man and those lower rank versions as well my one finger gets tired at one point!
I have no motivation to add to the play time metric by playing anything but my main. Alts are dead again this xpac.
Maybe in SL we can play alts again if we get a new dev team that cares.
What is there to manage as a ressource as a rogue ? I can’t even build combo points because I’m out of energy which my combo point builder requires. The only “management” is literally sitting there and waiting.
What engaging gameplay. Literally being AFK.
Classic classes are garbage.
DH pushes a button every GCD and is super fast paced combat.
What irony are you speaking of ?
I’m starting to wonder if you even play retail.
If you think auto attacking means being AFK then i have some news for you.
You should at least look up videos of these classes or better yet.
Play them yourself and see what they are actually like.
Because the amount of misinformation in your posts is astounding.
I have one of each class and 1 of each race so its boring but I have to do vulpera before shadowlands. Just watch tv and wait in que if it’s real bad.
You’re not leveling properly I believe. As Alliance it is more efficient to do open World over instances because of the 25-30% WM bonus. I usually level as dps and complete quests while I wait in queue for dungeons. Dungeons are still worth running once for the quests but no more than that.
Also, in my experience, it seems like the game has a dynamic selection for dungeons, it will rotate between dungeons to avoid putting you in the same one more than once, this is specially important in the 60-90 range, rotating between queues (northrend/outland dungeons) will net you more dungeon quests.
We were discussing Classic.
Rogue is dog slow compared to Retail in Classic.
That’s pretty much what auto means in auto-attacking.
Boring as crap. I know, I played in 2004 and again back in September. Class design was boring, combat was boring. Running back and forth the entire zone for a single quest was boring.
“Classes are slow and don’t have buttons to push every GCD” is not misinformation.
How’s that different from every other class?
DH has a 4 button rotation (potentially 3) with no difference between ST and AoE, you press eyebeam or blade dance (whichever is not on cd) and use the remaining gcds in the two fillers. DH looks fast paced, but the player input requires next to no decision making.