im leveling a new main for shadowlands decided to bench my mage a long time ago but im only lvl 18 and i didn’t expect it to feel this damn boring. i knew i’d be leveling at a slower rate cause i have no motivation to really do 8.3 content but damn… im completely bored as hell and im just taking breaks left and right while doing dungeons.
Anyone else have the same issue? if so how do you cope with it? there is literally nothing i want to do on my mage i mean i could farm rep for flying as i only need the last 2 reps but really not that interested in doing it nor care as i do plan to unlock flying eventually.
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After leveling about 12 characters at this point, soon to be 14, it can be boring I must say. Especially when it comes to quests and dungeons when you do one of them for the billionth time. So I do BGs instead mainly and even then those can be give or take. It just sucks, but here I am trying to get achievement points, lol. ![:crazy_face: :crazy_face:](
I can not even fathom how people manage 50 characters and even another account with 50 characters, which makes you a hoarder of alts.
That is just insane, it would make N’Zoth blush at you. ![:flushed: :flushed:](
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There’s nothing fun about leveling in Classic though. Combat is slow, with barely any key presses, lots of running, usually combined with more running.
It’s not uncommon at all to not enjoy leveling. It’s one of the worst designed aspects of WoW. Which is part of why it’s getting overhauled next expansion.
As for wanting to do stuff at endgame on your mage? A new patch just launched. It’s been less than 2 weeks. The new season has been live for less than 1 week. If you have no desire to do anything, you’re either temporarily burnt out or you just plainly don’t enjoy the game as it’s being designed right now anymore.
If it’s the former and you can’t spark any joy by leveling alts or whatever, it’s time to take a break. For some people, all it takes is a month or two away, then they’ll come back and enjoy playing again. For others, it might mean they’re done until the next major patch or expansion.
You won’t really know if it’s the latter until you take that break.
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For me retail leveling is fun when I try to do it as fast as possible. Get all the possible enchants for heirlooms, load up a guide with waypoints and just marathon it.
I seem to do more leveling than anything else, so, I find it entertaining.
Essentially this - coming back from a break I feel rejuvenated (despite my many issues with the current game), but I did really need that break.
I love the game, but there’s a lot that irritates me about it too - a lot of little things that build up over time until I just have to get away for a while. It definitely helps to just think about something else for some time, and come back with a fresh perspective.
So OP, take a while, play some other games - you might find yourself missing or even appreciating stuff from WoW, and be drawn back from that. Or at worst, you’ll get to do something new for a bit.
Leveling no, getting them geared enough so I can comfortably run dungeons and what not yes.
I only have 6 that are 120 and only have them at 120 for mount farming in old raids and dungeons. This toon is my alliance main and I have a BE hunter as my horde main. I also kind of play a Mag’har warrior just because the transmog set + tusks is so effing awesome.
Leveling is actually one of my favourite things to do. I dislike running max level content over and over, and feeling like I have no strength/am a burden to groups until I have decent gear.
i just dont enjoy my mage and that is the only class i have at max level that is geared and i know how to play i boosted a lot of other toons or they are all benched mains from many years ago.
i dont desire to do 8.3 because i looked up the content and simply not interested in any of it but the raid which i will do on LFR. if i manage to get this damn lock up to 120 faster then yea i will experience it with the lock but other then that it’s not a huge deal for me either way.
i was also talking about leveling in retail not classic. this avatar is from classic when i used to play i rarely change my forum avatar though lol
Perhaps your main issue is that you just don’t enjoy mage’s gameplay?
i actually came from a break from WoW XD came back like almost a month ago actually but just been deciding what to main, what faction and what race. and testing out classes i normally didnt play at low levels and if it would interest me or not so i’ve been making a shet load of low lvl toons that eventually got deleted
Nope, matter of fact I just started a new one today. I have never really played a magic caster class in WoW, so I started a mage today.
The trick to leveling an army of alts is to make a game out of it within your own mind. I have maintained a 40 toon army since cata. With each xpac I level them all to max level. If for some reason I choose to drop one (Delete it) to quickly level up fully a new one to replace it, like for one of the new races. I do.
I for a very long time have just made a game out of leveling them. I have always done it as a speed leveling thing. Always looking to do it faster and while making more gold in the process. But that is just me.
What makes leveling more bearable for me is to spread out the quest zones where I’m leveling. My two Alliance 120s leveled in different parts of EK, Outland, Northrend and even mostly Pandaria.
It’s tricky sometimes, to be sure. But trying to keep a bit of variety going is the key.
I actually am, but the reason is because I’m not getting quick tank queues with all of the people playing DKs right now.
My tank queues have been like dps queues! Soooo slow.
I love levelling alts but lately i dont have time for it. My vulpera rogue is still stuck at 24. Too many daily quests required for my main - daily quests at najzatar, mechagon, uldum and pandaria coupled with the world quests, weekly quests, mythic dungeon levelling and the lunar event going on(trying to be an Elder this year) along with some dungeons and raids required for progression of the main storyline quests.
I really want to level my alt vulpera as im tired of playing my blood elf brewmaster and my zandalari paladin which are my main horde alts but i have no time for them even though i play like at least 3-4 hrs a day
i actually used to do this way back when. me and my friend would power level we got from lvl 1- 60’s in 1 day did nothing but play WoW for many hours on end spamming dungeons like crazy.
ended up getting to lvl 25 only. i think once i get out of the whole 1-60 zones i’ll have more fun those dungeons/zones bore the hell out of me
I usually like leveling alts. But sometimes I don’t feel like it , so I don’t. Variety is important. If you’re getting bored of it don’t do it!