Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

We are giving ourselves a harder time by staying on the Alliance, BUT we are true to ourselves and honest about what things we like and don’t like in the game, which is great feedback for Blizzard :wink: thankfully the Alliance is not unplayable despite all its issues, so we can continue enjoying our favourite faction even with lesser players. For Varian and Anduin! For Genn and Jaina! For the Alliance!


I hope the new Void Elf options and LF Drani Options make some more folks roll some ally toons. Lets see what 9.1.5 does for us


I play short races. Even my tall races are short (except for the couple of pandas cuz they get a fluffy exemption).


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I also wanted to add that, it’s never too late to find new friends. Ppl who want to play w/you, ya know?

Some of my besties and even with my husband - we want to play together because we like each other and want to spend time together even if its something as mundane as questing or dailies <3



Me too - made an orc hunter, elf warlock, and finally a belf assassin rogue. Wanted to level at least one horde all the way up the before the level squish - she defected to void.

Ironically I got more help in squeaky fights from Horde than Alliance when playing Alliance than I did has a Horde - no help from either side. That got boring and nasty quick.

Those I learned to like, even love the hollow & deserted Silvermoon city. Finally figured out Orgrimar, and Undercity was a let down. There’s a little Troll village up near the sea in Hinterlands that’s one of my favorite memories. Simple living, a strutted hut with a beaded entry to the troll gypsy lady…the simplicity, the mountains, the sea - one could imagine living there forever.


It’s 2021. If you don’t play both factions, I feel like you’re missing out on half of the game tbh.


I’m Alliance for life

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So you read the title and nothing I had to say eh? I said very clearly why I cant play the Horde at all. This includes playing both factions

Surs, if you play because of lore dialogue and cutscenes

I see it as having to maintain multiple characters at 250 pvp ilvl every week without having access to the same gold and limiting my comp options

My partner might have a warrior and a rogue on alliance, and i have a hpal and a resto on alliance, but he has a hunter on horde and i only have a hpal on horde. My horde hpal cannot play with his rogue or warrior and my resto cannot play with his hunter. Its annoying

So for me playing both factions is effectively making me miss out on half the game

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I am Alliance for life, for better or worse.


Its ok Battlemaster I dont think she read my post at all. Because trust me if I could play both factions to play with my friends I would. I just cant play Horde at all. Like I said Im pretty sure she read the title and that was it


Oh sheesh. I was just contributing to the conversation in the thread, not trying to attack you. But since you came in swinging a bit, you said:

You can play Horde. You choose not to play Horde, and that is okay. But I stick by what I said. Half of the storyline is on the other faction, so that is why for paying $13 dollars a month, I choose to play both. I think most people should try. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. But my post on how I honestly think you should play both factions is contributing to your discourse, not trying to somehow override you as you seem to perceive it.

Oh goodness, no. I don’t want two mains. I play Alliance for the story, and I play Horde for the story + comp. I level my Alliance chars to 60 and sort of abandon them there because to me, I saw their story.

Yeah. Cross-faction PvE content is long overdue.

Yeah, Battlemaster and I are chill with each other. Seems really petty to try and throw me at her like this because you’re a little salty about my post.


Fixed that :stuck_out_tongue:

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How dare you. :heart:

I do like the faction war in PvP, I will admit.


Factions are fine, i just want to be able to queue arenas with people regardless of faction


Oh arenas, for sure. There is no reason to have faction wars in arenas. But in places like Alterac Valley, where the Stormpikes are against the Frostwolves… I’ll admit. Gives me goosebumps.


Velen is my homie and I’ll never dip because of him.

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I’m right there with you. I may try a Nightborne when they get their new customizations, but I don’t have much hope it will stick for long. Alliance for life.

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At 8.3 without a guild I left alliance for horde for Greener pastures. Went from stormrage to area 52. Way more people and way easier to find pugs for mythic plus and raid!

But I hated the look of the city, I hated the horde characters and it made me sick I went from a human paladin to a blood elf. I hated the look and paid to swap back within two days.

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As I become older and have less time to play I see the appeal with horde being able to just play whenever because there’s so many people has few cons.