Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

Every friend in wow that I have played with over the years is now Horde. I am the only one of my friends left on Alliance. So it feels lonely at times. Luckily I am on Stormrage so it is never actually lonely. I have tried and tried to get myself to like Horde. I mean thats where the bulk of the player base is. So psychologically its makes sense thats where most people want to be.

However after trying and trying I just cant get into it. I HATE their cities/zones with a passion. I am also not a fan of their races at all. I just cant. Blood Elfs and Nightborne were the only two Horde races I could get into. As Horde my love for wow started to fade and I found my self no longer having the desire to log in.

I guess I am Alliance for life.

So I started wondering how many people felt the same way?


Me. I tried during season 1, probably spent atleast $200 on faction and realm transfers and just couldn’t do it. I hate their cities and other than nightborne I really don’t care for their races. I did unlock all of their allied races though just for completionist sake while I was over there.


Same I have 1 Horde toon. A blood elf which has recently become a Nightbrone. She is there just to unlock stuff Horde side. Thats the only time I play her


I share your feelings OP. I find all Horde cities other than Silvermoon particularly offensive to my aesthetic eye. Similar situation with some of their races.


I have tried for the past 2mo to FORCE myself to like Horde or at the very least find something I enjoy. Mainly because thats where all my friends are now. I feel so alone on Alliance since they have all faction changed to Horde. However I just cant. I Faction changed my toon for free on the PTR. I tried it for many hours there. I was miserable on Horde.


I’m with you OP.

I have a character on the horde side to only screw around with. Their races look like barn yard animals. Their cities look like shanty towns. Their players get triggered anytime Alliance gets anything.

Alliance for life.


I really hope the new Void Elf options in 9.1.5 cause some more people to roll Alliance. EU wow is quite even however the Alliance to Horde wow population is a REAL problem atm.

I have checked out the new options for Void Elfs on the PTR and LOVE it


I’m the same way

I need to play horde for now but its not out of personal choice, and i find it really hard to find the motivation to login when I see the blood elf on the loading screen :frowning:

I like to think that maybe if undead paladins existed i’d be okay with playing horde but i know it still wouldn’t be enough. I like the alliance too much, specifically human female casting animations


I really want to try them. Just that your population is so… Slim.

Stretches feet in the air and wiggles toes


The most I could have dealt with was a Tauren, but even that didn’t satisfy me in retail WoW.

Classic WoW I could find more reason, but still I love playing my Dwarves and Gnomes.

And the Horde can and could be just a bunch of pigs.


This is NOT true at all on Stormrage. You cant even see from the bank to the AH at prime time because its clogged with people. The only reason I feel lonely sometimes is because I listen to my friends on discord and of now with the last of my friends having faction changed I feel excluded because they are doing Horde activities. Even though they always keep me involved in their conversations. Im just use to doing everything with them.

Just know on Ally side? Wiggling your toes is harder. No more open shoes Mr. barefoot Troll.

Your really should try Alliance side on Stormrage. Just make a level 48 trail toon and hearth to Stormwind out of the trail area. Check it out.


24 Alliance and 24 Horde, nope I am evenly split.


Exactly. As much as I want to play with my friends it just wasn’t worth it if every time I boot up the game it makes me not want to login


I’m ally at heart but everyone I know plays horde.

It may. The only reason I went Alliance for Shadowlands is cause I could make my Void Elf look like my Blood Elf (fair skin / faded short black hair)

There’s a lot of blonde fans out there.

I wanted to go Alliance anyways so I have more people to kill in Warmode. Trying to find Alliance to kill as Horde in Warmode is like looking for needle in haystack.


If I could pinpoint the moment when the game hooked me in it would be the first time I walked into Stormwind through the row of statues while that epic music played. I really wish our capital cities become the main hubs again.

I’ve dabbled with horde characters from time to time but I’ve never felt connected with their zones.


I play every Class, every Race, but all my Mains and money are on the Horde.

I was solely Alliance until 2009 when I was harassed by another player to an extent that made playing traumatic, so my sister and I paid to have every one of our characters transferred to Horde, and we’ve never looked back.

I don’t really see much difference between Horde and Alliance players on my server; they all seem really nice now. But that person still plays, so I never feel completely comfortable playing Blue-side, even though there’s no way he could know me now.

I think Horde feels more free, and we are allowed to be wilder, less constrained, but that’s probably just an image thing.

I certainly wouldn’t mind a lessening of the Faction restrictions. I’d also love an Elvish Faction.


A lot f the reason that I couldn’t get into playing horde (other than when I started all of my irl friends were alliance) was the layout of their major cities.

Everything seemed like it was in random spots or was annoying to get to, etc…


It’s not that bad. I love the Horde aesthetic and what the core fantasy represents… but I do admit most of this is gone now because of how bad Battle for Azeroth was.

Currently my favorite race/class is a Wildhammer Dwarf shaman. They look great.


Come back! Ride the tram from Stormwind to Ironforge. Smelt some ore and craft something at the Great Forge. Be at home.