Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

Old org would hurt my eyes to look at and new org hurts my eyes because of how ugly it is so I’ve been Alliance and will always be Alliance

This forum definitely feels alliance heavy. Y’all got that at least.

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Then play blodd elf. They have blue eyes option and you look like a high elf.

Oh man! Future ref? Copy your toon to the PTR. Spam copy it till you get the faction change icon. Faction change it there to Horde for FREE. Make sure you like it first before you drop a dime.


Good idea it cost me quite a bit to change twice lol but I don’t think I’ll ever swap factions again[quote=“Grimoire-stormrage, post:84, topic:1091562, full:true”]

Oh man! Future ref? Copy your toon to the PTR. Spam copy it till you get the faction change icon. Faction change it there to Horde for FREE. Make sure you like it first before you drop a dime.

I’ve been Alliance since 2004 and have never had any problems doing any content.

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i played horde in wod because long queue bgs in alliance but the light knows my heart kept alliance

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Are all these gifs from the same place?

You would think this would come before PVE grouping pretty naturally since it’s gladiatorial combat with no factions really paying any mind to it but we live in clown world so nothing makes sense.

All from Giphy. Its an app on my phone and I respond to this forum on my phone

I actually started out in WoW as Horde, many years ago.

My first character was an Undead, and I loved those leveling areas and quest chains, the general feel and vibe of it all was so fun. But eventually, all things Horde just… wore on me.

  • The raggedy tents and mud huts and all those crazy Orc spikes. Omg all the frickin’ spikes. Spikes, spikes, spikes, spikes… Jeezus make it stop.
  • The oil polluted goblin filth. Literal filth. Greasy, ugly, oily, dirty, filthy.
  • The seemingly endless campaign to destroy all life.
  • The incredible need for competent chiropractors. What is it with Horde and crooked backs…
  • The blood lust that’s always at the forefront somehow of all things Horde. The mindless thirst for battle and savagery. The literal insanity of it all.
  • Male Blood Elves. Their haughtiness. Their pristine, polished… everything. Their faces. Their bodies. The way they stand. They way they run. Their fighting animations. Literally everything about them.
  • Sylvanas. Ugh… Sylvanas. Just… Sylvanas. The absolute sum of all things hated.

Those are things off the top of my head. I could write more but that’s enough.

When I faction changed to Alliance some years back, it was the best decision I ever made in my WoW life. I’ve never questioned that decision, and certainly have never regretted it. Not once.

I am absolutely Alliance for life, for better or worse. The grass is just greener on this side. We actually HAVE grass on this side. :wink:


Which one?

i’m the one positive data point among thousands of other sad accounts of Alliance experiences. People can not believe me all they want.

But it’s honestly not even unbelievable. I literally heard nothing about this overdramatic doom bs until MoP. There was nothing wrong with playing alliance for the first 4 expansions. The first things players started to do was imbalance all the servers. So mine went to Sargeras. The dooming continued, this time about faction, but the detachment from reality became pretty extreme.

My guild did need to go to a bigger server. It doesn’t ever need to go Horde though. Not the way the mythic raid scene population works.

hord is for people who have bad taste in fashion, design and culture in general. How can elegancy align with red desert filled with rats that hut called orgimar is build on. Not to mention hord don’t bath and smell.


you might be upset then next expac alliance is being removed

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I stand with you, OP. I’ve tried Horde over and over again and I just can’t deal with it. The first time was when BC launched (originally) and I wanted to play a blood elf. That didn’t even last until Wrath. Then in BfA I made a vulpera, and that didn’t even last until SL.

I love it that void elves can finally be pale.

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I actually have quite a few Horde characters for story purposes, but most of them, and all the ones I’ve ever mained, have been Alliance from the start. I can appreciate some of the Horde race/class combos, and Tauren Druids happen to be my favorite in the entire game, but the Alliance is where I started, and it’s where I feel at home. I honestly feel like I might actually shed a tear or two if they ever decide to pull a Teldrassil on Stormwind.

As long as two conditions are met…

  • DH is my favorite class
  • I like NE > BE

…I will be Alliance.

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