Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

I struggle with this very thing. I have wanted to play a high elf ever since I started to play Wow. I have mained a human mage since Day 1, (he has race changed a few times but I always come back to human) I have a BE mage as well that i level to level cap every expansion but for the main reasons you outline I just can’t switch him to my main. Mostly because I hate the brutish races overall look for the horde, and I really hate the city aesthetics. I just have always resonated with the alliance cities and races better. They are more pleasing for me to look at and play with. To each their own have fun with what you like but for me that will always be alliance.

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I play both.

Always have.

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I only made a Horde character to save a name I thought of, that was it lol.

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I like you

Alliance for life…never liked the Horde, never will. Faction is evil


Moon Guard for life.

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Both factions are as good, and as evil, however, the Alliance is more subtle about it. If you played both, like I do, then you will see this.

Kidding. Kinda…

Those elven cities are totally horrid.

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Agree to disagree. What I will agree with you on is Alliance really got the short end of the stick when it comes to Allied races

I love the void elves but I’m really not a fan of the others and the only reason I love the void elves is because I’m such a deep lore fan of the Void

PS> as much as I dislike The Horde the Nightborne are freaking amazing and you’d have to be blind not to see that

Point by point response.

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I’ve got a few Horde alts… and by a few, I mean maybe 3~4 at max. A Blood Elf Illidari, a Nightborne mage, a Vulpera mage, and a Troll hunter who I need to reroll.

But I very rarely play them. The most I’ve played Horde-side was when I was fast leveling my DH so I could unlock Nightborne.

It isn’t that I dislike Horde - in fact, I feel many of the Horde’s races have some absolutely amazing lore behind them! Orcs especially. I just… I can’t really deal with Horde aesthetics being only orc-flavored, despite the plethora of cultures mixing together. It isn’t even that I hate orc aesthetics, they’re cool in that war band rough and tumble tribal way! But that isn’t really what I want to see all. the. time.

They have elves in the Horde, for goodness sake. Least they could do is give us some more elf aesthetics/zones outside of Silvermoon and Suramar (which we can’t even walk around in unhassled, neutral shard when Blizz??). I feel like Orgrimmar in general needs to be redesigned.

So, yeah, mostly stick to Alliance because of aesthetics, and I just like more races on Ally side than Horde.


If they were not and were more blood elf or nightborne themed I would have a completely different perspective on The Horde. Aesthetics is my main reason for the dislike

I loved the nightborne questline and I absolutely love everything to do with the nightborne. They are freaking amazing and the green-eyed jealousy monster definitely has a hold of me when it comes to that race.

If I were to be forced to play hard all my characters would be Nightborne, Blood elf and Tauren or their counterpart HMT which is just another Amazing Race


Big same. It’s why I even have a Horde alt at 60 - I rushed him through after realizing I was able to unlock them, since I spend 50 years in Legion at all times and had done the Suramar story way earlier.

I’d honestly love to play my Nightborne more, but she is sadly still not enough to get me to play Horde more often. I just can’t with the constant orc-flavor aesthetics, especially when playing an elf. :dracthyr_cry_animated: Even the garrison is orc-flavored, so one of the pieces of content I practically live in couldn’t even keep me Horde-side.

If only they hadn’t butchered Tyrande’s writing in WoW, maybe NBs would have been Alliance. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Oh well.

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Wanted to be a proper, dainty Alliance elf from the moment I started playing. Dealt with being a Blood Elf in stinky Orgrimmar for so long. Once I got Velves I never looked back. I’m not a fan of velf lore (I think all elf lore in WoW is scuffed) but with TRP I can just be a simple elf.


I completely agree with you and think the void elves are completely amazing I know a lot of people call them a cheap blood elf replacement; however I see them more as Yahoo versus Google.

Yahoo is the original and Google is the new better and improved version that ultimately replaced the original

The original version is not always better. Void Elves are improved and simply better in every way. This is also why I will never shed my void skin except for the pale red-eyed vampire look.

Don’t even get me started on the san’layn. If Horde ever got them it would be very hard for me not to jump ship

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Me. I’ve been playing since vanilla beta and the highest Horde character I ever had was a level six troll shaman in vanilla. The main turn off for me is Orgrimmar. It’s ugly and it got uglier in Cataclysm when it was Goblinfied.

I am shallow enough to want the main city that I have to frequent to be aesthetically pleasing.


I started playing early in the Burning Crusade expansion, and started on Horde. My first character was an Orc warrior, and learned to dislike it…both the melee play style and ‘ambiance’. Even now I’m not exactly sure why I chose that combination, and was much happier when I played Tauren or Troll characters.

Right around the release of Cataclysm, a friend talked me into starting an Alliance toon…the one I’m posting on, in fact. I was reluctant at first, having heard all about how ‘terrible and immature’ the faction’s player-base was…but I found there was really very little difference between them at all. Generalizing either community is pointless, because there are angels and tools on both sides.

And therein lies the inherent silliness in declaring one side better than the other. Oh sure, there is plenty of variation in the visual and personality aspects between the factions…but not enough to make me despise one in favor over the other, and I still actively play on both sides. In the long run, it comes down to this; why limit myself to playing only half the game?

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I play through both sides’ storylines because I pay for both sides’ storylines.