Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

Dark clubs, deep bass, sounds like my kinda place.

My Lock would love some techno!

I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m Alliance for life, but more like Alliance ~85% of the time. Gnomes are my absolute favorite, but I like (Highmountain) Tauren too much to be completely Team Blue.

But, I started dating a guy who mains Horde. Told him straight up I wonā€™t be switching factions on my main just to play with him. So until xfaction guilds come out, heā€™s gonna have to roll with my undergeared Tauren alts.

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Was the same way but opposite factions for me. I was Horde to begin with in BC, everyone I played with went Alliance at the end of Wrath, so I did too in order to play with them.

Could never get into the Alliance and its races (not a human or elf player) and played but wasnā€™t really enjoying WoW until I just went back Horde and never looked back.


If Blizzard were ever to put a single chair in Orgrimmar, Iā€™d consider playing Horde.


I always preferred Alliance. I played primarily played Horde from BC 'til WoD because my friends all wanted to play Blood Elves. I liked Gulā€™dan from WC 2 so I made an orc warlock.

WoW Horde just doesnā€™t do it for me. Never been a fan of freako-monster races in RPGs. Also Horde live in those little KFC huts and most of them donā€™t wear shoes.


You find Forsaken attractive? :face_vomiting:


It would be nice if Suramar was a hub like it should be. Legion was ages ago and if people want to do Nightborne world quests they can do some form of Chrome timewalking like they did with the Nyaā€™lotha/Pandaria/Uldum. The Nightborne city is actually one of the best looking in-game.

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Nope, anyone who claims to is just the product of a deranged imagination!

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I actually play both , I just use my horde alt to sabotage the horde :smiley:


If it is where the bulk of the playerbase is, why when I do Stormā€™s Fury is EVERYONE else Alliance? WHERE ARE THE HORDE?

Seriously, if I didnā€™t have alliance carrying me and my alts in Stormā€™s Fury, I would never get it done as a Horde. Never groups up for it either.


Im not saying this is everyone but just in general Alliance tend to focus on more relaxed content like events like that. Horde focus more on competitive end game content. So where are all the Horde? They are busy in Mythic+

You will also notice the majority of transmog runs and things of such nature are also Alliance

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World of War, Craft.
It has been on the decline since they gave Horde Paladins.
Which ever Expansion started focusing on HP based PvP Gear, Horde become the dominant side. Anyone concerned with PvP rolled a Horde and got carried for easy HPs.
It is beyond unbalanced. Spare me the the details. I know what Iā€™ve seen.

Now we are all on the same team?
I guess the new chant is ā€œFor the Moneyā€

So Iā€™ve been playing since 2007 and was a horde main for years and years. Then I realized all I ever played was blood elves because I like pretty races. Thatā€™s when I realized alliance have better looking ā€œprettyā€ races and when lightforged and void elves came out it solidified my decision to fully switch to alliance permanently.

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Playing alliance is fun until i have to go to stormwind. That city just saps my will to do anything over there. Itā€™s so ugly, it has no character. Iā€™d rather sit around the Exodar, and the Exodar is a mess.

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Orgrimar at night with the fires lit, amazing.

The view from Thunder Bluff, amazing.

The dark, dank crypt of Undercity with its black-light colors popping, amazing.

I mained a human in vanilla and tbc, and I have no doubt itā€™s the Horde life for me.

My main is Alliance, but Iā€™ve spent more years as Horde. I honestly love both sides and refuse to give either one up, but if I absolutely HAD to choose Iā€™d say I lean 55% Horde and 45% Alliance.


I use to be Alliance to the core back then. Especially the days back when the factions were marketed i.e. blue Alliance and red Horde Mountain Dew (I always chose the blue). Now I play both, more so Horde.

I was up until BfA came out with magā€™har and vulpera, stayed Alliance onky because there was no cross faction content till very recently.

Now I can be the vulpera I want to be and still play with my ally buddies, and join my raiding teams guild here in a few weeks.


I can only play Horde because in general I just dislike people and donā€™t want to play mixed-sized humans in an escapist game. I used to play alliance just to experience the content once but then around WoD the game got too grindy to keep up two factions and I gave up.

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