This is an old thread but I’ll throw my 2 copper in.
I’ve been Alliance since May 2005. My very first toon was a night elf druid and that character remains active to this day.
I did main a blood elf during Wrath but then after that I sort of parted ways with WoW and really didn’t have another main until WOD, which was a draenei monk.
Legion was back to my classic alliance characters and that was a really fulfilling experience. To have both my druid and my pally, rolled all the way back in 2005 and 2006 respectively, be the heads of their orders was so cool, even if they were leaders in name only.
And that was pretty much the end of my WoW journey. I’ve only been back intermittently since then. Even now I’m only back for 30 days and my time is just about up.
And I rolled alliance once again.
The horde has always rubbed me the wrong way. From a story perspective there was something intrinsically interesting about a group of outcasts that were originally created to conquer the world instead rebelling against their creators to make a new home for themselves in a new world surrounded by other races who were mistrustful and fearful of them.
But after a while this storytelling just got stale and even a tad ridiculous. The Forsaken were straight up Saturday morning cartoon villains all throughout vanilla and well into Wrath, but the writers repeatedly tried to make the point that they were “misunderstood.” I rolled a few low level undead back in the day, and once I got to Hillsbrad, every single quest was some variant of kill/poison everyone in Southshore for no reason.
But, ya know, they were “misunderstood.” I mean, genocide has so many different sides, right?
And then of course, came the very obvious horde bias on the part of Blizzard. Every expansion after Wrath was basically a love letter to the horde. The storylines, the characters, even in-game territories and resources slanted HEAVILY to the horde. It became the faction of choice.
I used to think it would be dumb for a company to show favoritism towards one faction because that would be bad business. But when it became clear that the majority of the players played horde, showing that side favoritism was in fact a business decision. That’s where the majority of their paying customers were. So, that’s the side that would receive the majority of attention.
I think the solution these days would be to do away with factions altogether. But until then, I’m alliance forever and always.