Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

I can bring myself to have a horde alt for achievements, or some rare kind of occasion…but I can’t really “play” Horde.

I’m very immersed in the game. My character is my avatar and represents me, and I closely follow the lore, which leads me to being unable to “be” (because if I -play- , I -am-) Horde, knowing all they …well…knowing their History.

Alliance feels closer to my values, ideas, and overall how I’d act in real life.


Same. I cant even begin to state how much I prefer Alliance Aesthetics

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Bumping. Well just because due to cross faction stuff now I’m curious where people stand with this.

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Still the same as ever. Oh nooooooo necro.

Honestly I’m happier the whole Horde bias bandwagon is ending. After how many years?

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Bit of a necro but ill bite.

I love the horde. It has a lot of great things about it. I could easily main the horde. And i have mained the horde for 50% of the time ive played wow.

But i prefer the alliance.

I prefer the alliance cities. I prefer the alliance zones. I love hanging out in kul tiras. I love the human aesthetic.
I love being an edgy emo elf.
Anduin is my favourite character in the game (and it feels wrong playing horde in pandaria with him as your captive)
Ive even grown to love the alliance races im not so fond of.

Im just over all happiest on the alliance.

Doubt ill stay alliance forever. I change character basically every expansion, so who knows where ill end up next.

But yeah. Theyre both great factions. Just the alliance is better.

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I liked Horde when Garrosh was in charge and orcs put everyone else in their place. Nowadays not so much.

I find most of the Horde races unattractive. The only races I play are Forsaken and Blood Elves.


its not that i dont play horde

my “alts” are other games

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This is an old thread but I’ll throw my 2 copper in.

I’ve been Alliance since May 2005. My very first toon was a night elf druid and that character remains active to this day.

I did main a blood elf during Wrath but then after that I sort of parted ways with WoW and really didn’t have another main until WOD, which was a draenei monk.

Legion was back to my classic alliance characters and that was a really fulfilling experience. To have both my druid and my pally, rolled all the way back in 2005 and 2006 respectively, be the heads of their orders was so cool, even if they were leaders in name only.

And that was pretty much the end of my WoW journey. I’ve only been back intermittently since then. Even now I’m only back for 30 days and my time is just about up.

And I rolled alliance once again. :slight_smile:

The horde has always rubbed me the wrong way. From a story perspective there was something intrinsically interesting about a group of outcasts that were originally created to conquer the world instead rebelling against their creators to make a new home for themselves in a new world surrounded by other races who were mistrustful and fearful of them.

But after a while this storytelling just got stale and even a tad ridiculous. The Forsaken were straight up Saturday morning cartoon villains all throughout vanilla and well into Wrath, but the writers repeatedly tried to make the point that they were “misunderstood.” I rolled a few low level undead back in the day, and once I got to Hillsbrad, every single quest was some variant of kill/poison everyone in Southshore for no reason.

But, ya know, they were “misunderstood.” I mean, genocide has so many different sides, right?

And then of course, came the very obvious horde bias on the part of Blizzard. Every expansion after Wrath was basically a love letter to the horde. The storylines, the characters, even in-game territories and resources slanted HEAVILY to the horde. It became the faction of choice.

I used to think it would be dumb for a company to show favoritism towards one faction because that would be bad business. But when it became clear that the majority of the players played horde, showing that side favoritism was in fact a business decision. That’s where the majority of their paying customers were. So, that’s the side that would receive the majority of attention.

I think the solution these days would be to do away with factions altogether. But until then, I’m alliance forever and always.


I played horde all the way to BFA and although I enjoy both I much prefer alliance by far. The overall aesthetics of the races with armour and the cities are just much better than the horde imo. With that said though thanks to cross faction guilds I am going back to maining my old tauren main now that I can play with my ally guild.


Yeah I revived it because when I made it cross faction was not really a thing it’s much more thing now so I was curious to hear people’s opinions on it.

I know ever since crossfaction became a thing quite a few people have gone back to their preferred faction of Alliance.

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yea, I was Horde in Cata and switched back/forth over the years, but really settled on Alliance at the end of BFA and been happy since.
I’m not really sure why, I just really like Humans/NELF/gnome/DI Dwarf, etc. It feels fun being the underdog faction. Horde has more players, and thus more noobs.


In 15 years I just made a Horde to get the Double Agent achievement, will never play one again , For the Alliance :vulcan_salute:


:newspaper_roll: Why you do dis?

I’ve played 98% Alliance since 2005. Only time I played Horde was to see certain parts of the story. I think I have 1 horde character though.


Always will play alliance, don’t like any horde races.


I guess I’m Alliance for life.

Started playing in early Vanilla WoW and have played every expansion.

My highest level Horde character is maybe level 3. Needless to say, I didn’t stick with Horde very long.


Yes, but mostly because I just love Dwarves.


I switch on and off. A little too much haha. Love Mag’har, High Mountain Tauren and Zandalari, love Worgen and Kul Tiran Dark Iron. Cant make up my mind on who to play so i keep jumping between them and burning myself out haha


I love my Alliance toons but I want them to join the Horde.

Why can’t my Human Warlock play Horde side?

Because Orgrimmar is the Detroit of wow