Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

Ironic. This is the one Horde race I hate the most. Could NEVER play one.

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I actually don’t mind female orc casting animations

Can’t stand the run though

Kultiran female still has the worse run ingame imo lol

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You know I am not a fan of alliance city structure mostly. I still play my alliance, you harsly ever do old zones where that matters. This expansion I don’t feel any different playing my horde or alliance toons much. I just really had to learn how to navigate stormwibd mostly. Since you never have a reason to go to maybe anything but ironforge. On horde its mostly going to org, thunderbluff dor darkmoon faire, Zandalar for thunderbluff portal, and undercity if you need to buy heirlooms.

I hardly notice aesthetic this expansion. And I can mog my alliance toons like I would my horde toons with most mogs besides the faction mags.

Although I would love playing my alliance toons as horde mostly cause I love the horde mogs more.

I tried to be “Alliance for life” but I miss the undead too much.


I probably would have been if void elves existed in the Alliance back when I joined in 2016. I wouldn’t play any other race. Now I’m a bifactional altaholic.


Alliance for life! Luckily most of my friends and guildies in WoW feel the same way.

I’ve tried horde several times but I quickly go back to alliance every time. I like nightborne well enough aesthetically and managed to play a horde toon long enough to unlock them, but they’re on a faction that I can’t stand playing.


I don’t even think about it
 I am Alliance, because that is who I like to play. No question, no doubt, 
 the devs and Blizz made this a thing I guess. Reminds me of the anti-non-pigment enough in the real world. Hey wait? Weird that the ‘blue’ signifies’ balance, beauty, morality, 
 in WOW
yet the opposite in the real world. Anyone else see that?

Dang that girl is beautiful.

I made my first horde level 60 this winter. It started as a guild joke to make an all-tauren guild but most of the raiders have made horde toons in the hopes of being able to find better PvE.

I can’t find my way around Orgrimmar, my garrison is ugly, and getting quests from undead and orcs is kind of weird, but the female tauren priest animations are nice and overall I enjoyed seeing BFA and Legion from the Horde side.

I haven’t done anything but trivial PvE content; however, I’m already wondering why people extoll the virtues of horde. I popped into LFR for renown and maybe some started gear and players are worse than on alliance side. We literally had a tank queue who had never seen guardian and wiped us three times despite people explaining the fight until we kicked him. Then I pugged a TW and watched a DH tank double-pull with no mitigation and yell at me when he died.

I may be back to Alliance-only at this rate.

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I won’t disagree with you here.

Weird flex, but okay.

100% agree! Underplayed race for sure.

To be honest, I’ve mained Horde since Vanilla and I find it beautiful. I find the misunderstood underdogs steadfast and unwavering, and I love how morally grey the characters are. We aren’t Mary Sues, and I like that about this faction. We’re unpredictable, ambivalent, and wild. People enjoy that. It’s okay that people do. I also play the Alliance and like them, but I find them a bit more plain.

Generalizations aren’t great. This isn’t true. I’m sorry that this was your experience, but it is not the collective experience.

Why do that? :heart: You’re missing half the game you pay for! :slight_smile:

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Not meant to be a flex. I’ve played Alliance since Vanilla and my guild all started our level 1 Taurens in Mulgore. It was funny/strange happily walking around in parts of Azeroth where I’d normally be attacked on sight.

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I swapped to Horde once to play with a friend, I was miserable. Friend was also kinda a prick.

I keep 1 Horde to play the storylines, that’s it.

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I just play both sides like a normal person
 Or is it I who is the freak? :thinking:

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So you read the title and not my OP? Thats not what this thread was about my friend. It had nothing to due with people who have no issues with both sides. It was about people who find Horde unplayable weather it be due to the dislike of their cities/zones or the races, dislike of the storylines, or the over all aesthetics. Maybe C all of the above like it is in my case. I was trying to see how many other felt the way I did. I wish you had read my OP in full :slightly_frowning_face:

Never the less I adjusted my title to make it more clear.

I am horde and alliance for life.

Short and simple, yet humorous and sound reasoning. I like it

I have tried Horde any times. I was just as miserable

WELL! Some BIG faction news lately. Bumping this because folks views may have changed now

Bumping this


But back then I kept on bouncing back and forth Fractions and realms with my brother and cousins until they stopped playing. Went back to Alliance as my Default Fraction but been lonely for a really long time and since then gotten used to it, adapted and put my time in Professions, unrated PvP battlegrounds but rarely Dungeons and Raids.

Don’t really mind playing Horde to see both sides of the story but for some reason I can’t play Elves. Roll>Level 15-20>delete>repeat

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