Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

I am play both sides for life. Does that help? Is there a prize? I like prizes. Please say there’s a prize.

I will never level horde. Especially because we know devs hate alliance, and seem to be aligned or resemble the destruction anything that resembles order and tradition or morality. I don’t like the look no matter how much TMOG you do, hate the dead and mangled ‘yuck’ of it all. JMO. It’s like going transhuman, borg, nano-kill of humans and creation. JMO. No need to fact check, JMO. Just my opinion.


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Deeply in our psyche we know ‘order, balance and beauty’ unless they can destroy that part of us. Order is the continuation of creation and our life. HOMEOSTASIS. IF you support life, and order it supports you. Yes, chaos and entropy is part of this life, but only to renew into life again. Don’t accept the lie that we are the cause of all death and entropy. It is a lie, that I believed too. Our bodies are magnificent. Always restoring and continuing in HOMEOSTASIS if we ourselves support it. Just like our entire planet.
The plan is death to our planet and us, if we believe their lie.

I have an Alliance Void Elf too, I have not leveled yet… have so many alts, but I get that. You are still Alliance and me too.

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Does it count if this is my only character and I started 3 weeks ago?

Don’t plan to make Horde yet but we’ll see. :joy:


Alliance for life even if I was the last one left. I feel like that choice should matter and I have more fun playing that way than if I just had characters on both faction and there was no identity in my choice.

I don’t raid though except older content I can solo or do much in guilds so it does make it easier to stay with that choice.

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Will be just the two of us then…

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Of course.

Me. I’ll never play Horde

Call me crazy for not wanting to play as a farm animal

Same… Alliance forever. I tried Horde and just couldn’t do it.

I wish I could find people on the Alliance side that wanted to actually play the game though. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Back in vanilla had both and RL friends on both sides.

Orc shaman
Tauren warrior

NE hunter
NE priest
NE Druid

I played the orc quite a bit for short bg queues.
I preferred alliance.

BC I tried to play my alliance toons but could only walk 30 paces before getting killed on my PVP server. It was impossible to play. I made a
BE paladin as did both of my brothers who were previously alliance.

Later on leveled my alliance toons after PVP had settled down in leveling zones.

My bros stuck with horde and stopped playing alliance.

By Wrath I had
BE Pally
BE Priest (race change)
Tauren Warrior
BE Rogue

NE Hunter
NE Druid
Draenei Shaman (race change)
Draenei DK
Draenei Mage

Kept mainly playing alliance and was in a guild. They switched to horde. I inherited the beginner guild on original server after their guild move.

This happened three times.

Realm transferred to get into good alliance guild. Was there for 2 years. Last month they went horde. I didn’t race change any toons, but did send 2 horde that I already had there. If I have time to play, I may send other two horde there.

I played every class to 50 and 4 to 60.

Horde 4
Alliance 8

I still prefer alliance over horde. I think those that changed to horde for the easy life are disloyal and a bit like sheep. I understand why, but don’t like it.

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A moose is not a farm animal

Yep, for the alliance!

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Moose or Bull it doesn’t matter. You are still a barnyard animal. What you think of yourself wont change this

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I have considered going back to Horde (was exclusively a Horde only player till WoD), but I like being a Night Elf DK too much :slight_smile:

Alliance players, whose drive to “have as much as the horde has had” drove them to entirely mischaracterize the Alliance into being a “Horde of the Light”, because people are inclined to like the Horde, but they want to play a race in the Alliance, so they claim that Alliance need to have what Horde has, which at the end of the day, just means few players ever liked the Alliance for the uniqueness of it.

That is why we saw the death of the Alliance in regards of story and value of lore. People wanted the Alliance to have the same problems and the same epic moments as the Horde, forsaken their own, and ended up having an Alliance that is little of what it should be, and therefore, started to dislike it, or the game as a whole.

Which further the “epicness” of the Horde, and deepens the problem.

At the end of the day:

"Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability? You rise, only to fall. You, Alliance, you are like a meteor. Swift and terrible sword which will crack with the weight of failure. Turn Horde races against one another. It means nothing!
When the dust settles, the only faction that matters in Azeroth … will be Horde !"

I play both but tend to default to Alliance. It helps that Alliance has a bigger RP population than Horde does. More people to interact with, more interesting things to see. It’s not even that I really hate Horde races, I just prefer Alliance from having played it for years. Plus, Horde Pandas don’t make any sense, only Alliance Pandas make sense. Horde players also tend to be really weird about that faction stuff though. I’ve never gotten that “Horde are the mature faction” vibe that people always used to like to meme about.

My reasons for staying Alliance have nothing to do with the story at all. Zero. Zip.

Im not happy playing Horde. Period. Tried it and my love for wow started to fade and I found my self no longer having the desire to log in. Some people dont care but I cant stand their cities/zones and themes. I also cant stand most of the races.

Seems a lot of people just read my my title and not my OP. So I edited my title to hope it makes more people read my OP

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