Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

*Judges other people for choices made in a game that have no impact on you what so ever.


Your just as bad as the people that bullied me for picking Venthyr over Night Fae on my lock. So I just have one thing to say to guys like you…

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Don’t play victim, luv.

So what? me disliking Horde makes me a bad person? I dislike mustangs too so I would never buy one. Thats my choice. What I said was not judging anyone. What you said is.

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Not judging just giving my opinion. You enter a fantasy world full of awesome races and from all of them you roll a human or more human like faction, sorry but is boring, tasteless, non creative, if you can’t handle opinion then don’t post on GD.

PD: I went venthyr with my warlock so what

I’m sorry you feel that way but I get it. Don’t worry Grimoire I am pretty sure the game would die before Stormrage does. I hope things don’t get bad enough for you to quit. Your threads are almost always positive. Mortis quit as of today so I hope you stick around.

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I started the game off as night elf. But my friend had to go horde so I was a druid. Then I only had the Tauren. I learned to like them and the horde. Mostly mained horde since. If it weren’t for that I may have been alliance lol. I started like trolls more in Cataclysm when they got voodoo warlocks and druids! Now they have paladins just love me the trolls. Raided with a troll hunter in wotlk though.

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Maybe its just me but the Horde druids always feel “out of place” to me. I mean Moonglade, anywhere in the Dreamway and Ardenweald. Its fitting for a Night Elf. Sadly not really for any other races? Know what I mean?

Heck even the new druids travel forms except for the raven really only fit Night Elves

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I thought that too, but you learn the lore, Tauren are nomads, peaceful minotaurs. They are linked with Elune and An’she. They had past druidism, and relearned it. They used to worship an’she more and they are rediscovering an’she worship. The Yaungol, The Taunka, The Highmountain, the grimtotem have shared lore, and different takes. They all are cool in there own way. The trolls and the loa make for cooler druids imo. I love my loa based druids and would love more loa based customizations. And loa-based paladin skin. Tauren was a nice starting race to get a nice perspective on the horde. But then I dabbled with the forsaken and fell in love with there story in wotlk. One of the best starting zones. And it’s awesome to be a zombie as a hero, that blew my mind when I joined the horde.


The creators of the Zombie Avengers would agree :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Friends are worth more than made up faction pride personally, if everyone i knew went horde. I’d just go horde and enjoy playing with friends. Friends to play games with doesn’t last forever, they may get busy someday and you may wish you had just played with them over there during this time

Your not really understanding the deal. It has nothing to do with faction pride. Maybe you missed this comment.

Okay. I’m glad you’re alone after that response. Enjoy crippling loneliness.

(OP edited what this was in response too, the original reply accused me of being unable to comprehend complex sentences.)

Please dont always take things in a negative way it wasnt meant as one. I know the internet is full ok jerks so everyone is always quick to jump to the defensive. I just meant “you really dont understand why I cant” I guess I need to edit my OP to make it more clear. Im a pretty blunt person so things over “text” sometimes come off harshly.

Please understand it wasnt meant that way. Im not always the best with words. I just tend to say/type things as blunt as possible sometimes. I see it as black and white others sometimes tend to see a gray area I guess. I edited my comment so it sounds less “snarky”.

No thats not what I said at all thats the way you read it. I simply said you were not comprehending the issue. Which is a fact. You were not. I merely guessed that you didnt read my full OP and more of skimmed it. why if I say “you are not comprehending this” to someone online to they always take it so negative? Yet if I say “you are not understanding this” they never get defensive? Its like people associate the word “comprehending” with something negative.

If I say “Hmm grey skys its groing to rain” Thats doesnt mean im saying “todays going to be crap its going to rain”. Take it at face value. It simply means just what I said. The sky is gray and its going to rain. I will try to be more clear in the future. Thats all I can do

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Doesn’t matter, Alliance High Elves are essential for the core fantasy and lore. Nobody isn’t denying your playable Blackhand Orcs too, no? Then let it go.

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I’ve been alliance since launch. Recently in shadowlands I’ve been playing some horde characters for a change.

I generally ignore the story and the major characters as I have no attachment to them and don’t intend to get attached to them.

Some days my orc monk just doesn’t feel right. I’ve been thinking of making it horde panda. I dunno, orgrimmar and leather wearing orcs just isn’t me I guess.

I’ve played a little bit of undead, tauren and blood elf (dh, so I had to) in the past and none of them feel much better.

In case anyone was wondering, my favourite alliance races are KT, gnome, dwarf. I have humans and elves but they’re only one step above horde races for me.

Thankfully I’m oce so alliance is viable for now. Horde is the underdog/under-represented faction here.

And for what it’s worth (not a lot) most of the horde raiders I meet are around 30-40 with young kids (<10). Alliance is a crap shoot. Either still at uni or retired. I’d say they’re probably pretty equal though if you ignore my tiny sample size.

Yep. He sees a Discount Blood elf. I see a dark gothic elf touched by the void. I love ANYTHING involving void lore. Its why even after 9.1.5 I wont shed my void skin. I like it. I will always have the pale/purplish skin. Just like if they added San’layn to Horde. Im sure many would race change to one. Would you call that a discount Blood elf too? I like the lore behind the Void Elf race. Many do.

Blastkrizzle is right.



Back in early WoD late MoP my guild was dying and I moved a couple characters over to Horde for a bit. But it just didn’t stick.

Not a fan of their cities much. And they don’t have Night Elves or Worgen so meh.

I like Highmountain Tauren and Foxes though. But I just cannot bring myself to play horde. Everything just feels completely foreign. I am constantly having to look up where basic things are.


I get that I have that issue too. I just wish my problem with Horde was that simple. My issue is more complex then that. I just lose my that feeling of being connected to my character whenever I play Horde. My desire to even login just goes away.

Kind of like this person said. Its nice to know I am not alone in my thought process


Bumping this.

Yep, regardless of my factions state

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