Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

Maybe not Alliance, but I’m Draenei for life.


Actually this is false. During one of the early Blizzcons it was ask why do we help Medivh open the Dark Portal in the Black Morass Caverns of Time Dungeon. Apparently the Orcs coming to Azeroth is what brought the human nations together to fight this invading alien force.

Had the Orcs not invaded there would of been a war between the human nations of Stomwind, Lordaeron, and Alterac.

It’s also explained by one of the Time Keepers on the instance.


Die hard Alliance for life. I would rather quit this game than move this toon over to horde.


They’re so ug

I can confirm this too. I have ran into FAR MORE people over the age of 45 on Ally than I ever have on Horde. You have to remember the older you get the less you tend to care about being Super competitive, which is why most people play Horde. When I was younger I cared about all that during the BC times. As time progresses I literally have gotten less and less competitive with each xpax.

Younger players 15 years ago? Yeah they flocked to Ally. Now days? I am sorry they do flock to Horde. Horde has the teenage audience (ages 15-25) on lock. They have for sometime. I can see how the Horde ideals would appeal strongly to that age group. The Alliance are Imperialist. Face it that is going to attract the older player base MUCH more. Aka Gen X Players and your actual Baby Boomers

Again I highly disagree. The BFA Horde story I found to be atrocious. I really enjoyed the Alliance story though. It felt like it flowed better. Also Horde story always deal with internal conflict. I HATE that. Makes me feel like my faction is unstable. I prefer external conflict. If the Horde just vanished one day? The Alliance would all be hanging out together just living life. If the Alliance just vanished? The Horde would go to war with them selves. All the internal conflict storylines has shown this. If you call that a better story? Fine. I call it instability


To this day, I still antcipate for Draenei Druids. As Monks are the only Leather Wearing class Draeneis can be. I’ve transmogged this Monk to look like a Druid LOL


??? I’m 58 and have been playing (Alliance) since open beta.


The current 6-9 hour queues for alliance DPS LFR may have me changing…

Proves my point of my long comment above.

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I wish I saw this post when it hit two weeks ago because I have “Alliance For Life” blasted on my chest with the Lion so its like a tabard.

Edit: And I still play alliance. The only time I’ll play horde is now for a little bit to get the Tides of Vengeance and complete the Ach " Two Sides to Every Tale" and to get the two mounts out of “the battle for dazar’alor”. Other than that.

Other than that I stand by both horde and Alliance to get our old “Faction” gear back. Cause the trassmogs for Vanilla, though I was playing then, I never really did PVP and I feel its BS that those transmogs are locked away from us. If we wanna rep hard for our peps, then they need to let us!

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I personally didn’t like blood elves being added back in the day, but it’s not because I thought blood elves would be Alliance (I played the warcraft RPG even before wow came out, ), so in my point of view if the blood elves would have joined anyone it would have been the Horde, rather my problem was that the blood elves didn’t really fit aesthetically or the tribal theme of the Horde, but I came to terms of it as in spirit they fit the Horde as outcasts struggling in a hostile world. I now think they handled the addition well though into the Horde. My only gripe is the redemption of the sunwell as I would have liked more of the morally grey methods the blood elves used at the start. I also would have like the high elves for the Alliance way back and blood elves being available kinda felt like a roadblock for that.

And to expand on the warcraft rpg thing, I know it’s not canon although it’s heavily inspired and expanded on the lore at the time, and blizzard has put some things from the rpg into canon wow lore way later, but at the time of TBC blizzard had not said the rpg was non-canon. And in the rpg the blood elves are pretty much a pure villian race, with them hating or looking down on almost anyone. There’s four races they get along with well, and that being the forsaken who like them do not shy away from any methods no matter how dark and they strive for the destruction of the lich king. The Naga as they’re ancient highborne kin and also willing to do dark things for power, various troll tribes that also desire the destruction of the night elves at any cost. And at last the golbins who are the only large trading organization that won’t shy away from doing trade with them.
And outside of that the blood elves only wish for the destruction of 3 things: The Scourge, The Alliance and the Night elves ( who just recently became part of the Alliance as well, so two in one I guess).

I think the problem with the nightborne is not that they went Horde persay, but rather that the players of both sides did the quests allowing them getting attached to the characters, making it feel like a betrayal when the foreshadowing was so subtle.
It was also not only one conversation but just very small dialogue bits here and there, the most obvious one being the one everyone keeps referencing, Tyrande also say that the more Shal’dorei we can get to fight the legion the less of her people have to die. Compared to what Liadrin says is that we have to inspire the people to fight to show that there is hope for them.
Tyrande also calls them mana addicts and that she does not want Thalyssra’s petitions.
Just many small sentences like this.
Then there’s the whole highborne being more culturally similar with a similar historic trauma to the blood elves than to the night elves.
I played through Suramar on both sides during legion and didn’t reflect too much on what they said or the implications were for most part at the time, I only really noticed that Tyrande wasn’t too nice to the nightborne.
And I think anyone that only played one side of the story or didn’t pay attention or reflect on the dialogue would feel the same way, that the nightborne picking a side would be like a lightning from a clear sky. Even if we look in hindsight that it did make sense for them to relate more to the blood elves.


How many people are you playing with now that you played with, say, in Wrath?

It just proves old people play alliance, not that alliance has more long-term players.

All the writing has sucked lately, I was talking specifically about quest-writing from the beginning, up through about WoD.

You are forgetting one very important factor Grimoire that matters to a lot of people. As bad as our cities and zones are? The game is in a pretty bad spot right now. The Horde is about 70% + of the player base right now. Meaning the alliance is about 30% or less. The more the sub numbers go down? The smaller that 30% looks. Horde will never have this issue. The game could literally die and there would still be Horde players to do things with.

This is why so many people have gone Horde who plan to stay in the game. It gives them player base security so to speak. This may be a factor in why all your friends went also. If I were you? I’d join them

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You do make a very strong argument here little Goblin. This is one side of the coin that I had not looked at. This is side of things is something I should really look at. I will discuss this with my friends and take what you said into consideration

im anti void elf and draenei for life.


You are on Stormrage so it will take much longer for you to notice the percentage drop but you may feel it sooner rather than later if Blizzard doesn’t make some serious changes. You may never feel the impact of subloss nearly as bad on Horde. Like I mentioned previously, the player base pool size security blanket is important to a lot of people. I hope you do deeply consider this. You should be fine for some time though since you are on Stormrage

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I get your point. I really do however I just dont enjoy Horde side AT ALL. I feel close to any of their races. I get that sounds odd coming from a void elf. But if Alliance had gotten High Elfs instead of Void Elfs? I would be a Worgen lock. The voidy part of the Void elf is what I like about the race.

If things ever become truly noticeable on Stormrage? I doubt it ever will but if it does? Id rather quit the game than go Horde. Because if I go Horde? Wow would lose its enjoyment factor for me and id just stop logging in and quit.

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*Comes to a fantasy game.
*Rolls Human.


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