Anyone else Alliance for Life? Just cant enjoy Horde?

me. My guild went horde for TBC and i just quit classic because of it.

Can confirm, this is untrue.

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Horde just looks disgusting besides some exceptions… and their cities and hubs are not the best either… it is just meta chasers who then forced their friends to go there too… racials and stuff…


Something similar happens to me, I love the horde of Warcraft 3, so if it were with those races my main would be a horde, but seeing how the Horde is today, made up of dead humans from Lordaeron, Blood Elves who are there because they are pretty, and Nightbornes (which must have been neutral), I just can’t play, it’s as if the Maghar had added to the alliance, they just don’t go with the faction and it ruins the possibility of feeling comfortable with it, in Warcraft 3 my Favorite side is the horde, not in WoW.

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I had the exact opposite happen to me: all my fiends are Alliance but I’ve been Horde for so long I prefer not to faction change and have to redo faction specific quests.

I started Alliance but went Horde at the beginning of Wrath.

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I originally played an undead warlock to start off in Vanilla. I then wanted to try out playing a night elf hunter and warrior, as I loved the warcraft 3 Era at the time.
I fell in love with Teldrassil and the overall lore surrounding NEs.

I was pretty dumbfounded when horde got blood elves in TBC. There was a blizzard post stating that the only reason they were implemented, were to balance the faction disparity, and to appease the Asian community, by giving horde a pretty race. I wish I could find that post still. I would cite it if I could.

Also, in general; I love the Alliance more than ever after playing them for so long. Gnomes have grown on me. I never understood them at first, but now I find them adorable. The cities and zones are a lot prettier than horde zones.

Even the implication of Nightborn bothered me after being so invested into the lore, just to have the race handed over to the horde. It should’ve been a neutralic race, as the story was dictating. One ery conversation with Tyrande should not of had them turn on the Alliance.

There are so many things I could go on about… Also why was the skinny kul tiran not implicated ( not the normal human models, but the skinny ones).

Congrats on having all that!

Alliance is what is ruining this game. The alliance needs to be banned as well with the woke.

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Okay, let see your confirmation.

Alliance are shallow, besides some exceptions…

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I don’t get triggered. I can’t think of anything alliance got that I wanted that bad. Besides I have some alliance characters so I could get it if I really wanted.

I find something I like about most races in WoW. Their cultures are just so fun! For example:

Orc: warrior, in tune with the elements, proud, honorable, badass
Undead: zombies! survivors of the scourge; fighting for their homeland
Tauren: in tune with the earth, awesome one-handed animations, cool teepees, kind
Trolls: very cool ancient Maya culture, Loa, awesome tiki armor
Goblin: chaos set to 11, hilarious
Blood Elf: best race; survivors; deadly and headstrong; sophisticated


I have to say that I have a hard time playing Alliance, but only because I don’t have a set group of friends, and most Alliance races’ cultures have all turned into “Human.” Blue human, purple human, fat human, short human, super short human, etc…

I wish the Alliance races maintained their cultures better; i.e., there shouldn’t be ANY male night elven hunters, or female druids, etc…

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Horde has always had better writers. From the start in vanilla when I was playing both factions I immediately glommed onto the fact the Forsaken questlines in Eastern Kingdoms were 10 times better written than most of the Alliance questlines in the Eastern Kingdom. In a way it’s kind of unfair to alliance that they didn’t balance that out better.

its funny I feel the exact opposite. I hate all the ally zones/cities.

This is just bias. Both faction’s cities are great in their own way and reflect well on the culture of the races.

you just figured out what opinions are did you?

Opinions don’t have to have bias but they often do. It’s possible to have balanced or neutral opinions.

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we switched from alliance to horde last year and lost a handful of people who refused. funnily enough it was all the bad players that stayed behind. worked for us, we didnt have to have the awkward convos where we cut them from the main raid team.

I’m this way, but with Blood elves. I tried playing others, like void elves but I simply couldn’t embrace the “dark” aspect of them for long before just wishing I was on my belf again. I guess I’m just belf for life. :woman_shrugging:

So wherever they go, I go.

It’s a video game, I can play either faction with no real issue

my confirmation is I am a middle aged person who has played since BC who always will play alliance.