Anybody else tired of the Mighty Brutosaur situation going ignored..! I AM

Yes they do or there is no point to them. I will be happy with my garrison ah.

Too long didn’t read

Hopefully Blizz even takes it off the BMAH because there’s already too many of them in the game anyways.

And yet this makes zero sense. It was supposed to stay available just like every single other gold sink vendor mount. They made a decision last minute to turn it into something crazy special snowflakes would get elitist over.

It’s not a challenge mode. It’s just another gold sink vendor mount like all the other gold sink vendor mounts. Most I know literally gave Blizz a credit card to buy it. No one cares.

Bring Brutosaur back Blizzard!. Also bring back Gargantuan Grloc and Telix!.
AND… Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn.


Yes and unlike the other gold sinks, this one was actually expensive. I fully played bfa and I didnt have the gold to buy it. Too bad now its gone.

What was supposed to be deleted or not we dont know. Who knows the reasons behind that change but the moment it was announced as a limited time item, it became limited. Not eveeything limited has to be challente mode or mythic.

They were ALL expensive at the time they were released. So you’re wrong.

We do know. It was an entire conversation by Blizz.

Which was stupid.

Challenge mode PvE and Elite PvP should be the only limited time items. Everything else is nonsensical at best. Especially this one.

No one is cool for handing Blizz a credit card. People need to get their heads out of their bums.

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I been here since legion and i couldnt get the gold. So wheres my ah mount. Sorry im poor in wow blizz rofl

Thing shouldnt have been removed for 0 reason imo. But w/e i sit in town mostly so it dont really matter

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Enough with the advantages. All brutosaurs do is save bag space or a trip to the auction house in a city. That’s it!

Then you’re not a veteran player when you had quit for such a large amount of time.

How is it not fair? Players paid 5 millionen gold for that. And the few seconds that are saved in contrast to going to an actual AH are no big deal. Players who engage in deep AH play stand around in cities anyway and don’t have to rely on having a mobile AH somewhere in the field.

You really need food and potions for questing? Sounds unreasonable to me. And if you know that you really need it, which I doubt, then prepare and buy the stuff beforehand. Easy as that.

Look. I’m with you that it shouldn’t have been removed and I would have no problem with bringing it back to the vendor. But “meeeh, it’s so unfaiiir others got a mobile AH and I don’t” and some disingenuous arguments that are born out of envy aren’t really helping.

Not a bad idea :thinking: let people hate lol


That would be awesome! Never thought about that idea!

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This is how I would put it back on a vendor. Do a diamond exchange. Each diamond cost 10 Million gold. Have the bruto cost 2 or 3 diamonds. Easy solution.

WoW needs more gold sinks anyways.

I mean do I want it? Yes. Would I call this an advantage…not really.

I started playing the game patch 5.4 and it was a little time until I got the yak… added during Mop. Any goldsink attainable in a few months is not a goldsink. The bruosaur was the first really expensive mount. So yes the first real goldsink that even peeps who farmed gold for fun were not able to buy.

Yes mounts some are time limited. Let the brutosaur be one of them. It should never be brought bacl

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Are you a bot? why do you just sit in town?

And there’s your problem.

There was ample time to get it when it was available.

If you didn’t, it’s probably because you take big breaks, that shouldn’t be rewarded.

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I q for a dungeon in town, go to dungeon, then hearth to town. I dont wq. Too boring.

If i level an alt i dungeon spam from town.

I dont see how that has anything to do with the topic. I played years on private servers before coming to retail. I got the yak pretty quickly as a brand new player. You would not be able to get the brutosaur if you started brand new in 8.3 bfa. Let the ones who have it enjoy it. You dont have own every single item in the game and shouldnt expect ro

There isn’t a situation. They said they were going to remove it from the vendor. It’s removed from the vendor and no longer available except rarely on the BMAH. It’s not in any way necessary. I’d argue that a vendor mount is a necessity to save time, but the traveler’s tundra mammoth covers that and is cheap.

Noone NEEDS a mount with an AH on it. This is why we have alts, I have one alt that I use to handle all my auctions.