Have to limit this reply to mostly focus on BM. Or it would be far too long:/
Will provide some links down at the bottom though in regards to current melee Survival and what I would like for it.
As well as a link to a suggestion of my regarding a 4th spec option for the class. #ReturnOldRangedSurvivalToUs
I would agree that if you engage in pretty much anything beyond leveling/questing then it does feel like BM is missing something.
If you ask me, BM currently has several issues with it(not counting pet AI issues):
- Like I said above, it feels like it’s missing something when you engage in longer fights.
- Talents for the spec feel very, out of touch with what the spec is really supposed to be about, fantasy-wise.
You have the option to add another 5 abilities to your offensive “rotation” as BM from Talents alone. (6 choices, though 2 are on the same row).
Dire Beast, Chimaera Shot, A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Stampede, and Spitting Cobra.
I would say that Dire Beast as well as Chimaera Shot, these are fine the way they are, mostly.
Barrage, honestly, I don’t know why BM has a talent such as this. It doesn’t fit at all IMO.
As for Stampede, the idea behind it was fine, it’s just a mess to use it.
Spitting Cobra, same as Stampede really, maybe not even that. You pop a turret every 1.5min that looks like a snake.
I would want for some of the active abilities you can get from talents to be more tied to your core mechanics as a BM hunter. I want them to be more about your pet. Not just being random stand-alone abilities that you press on CD.
As for passive talents:
-It feels as if Killer Instinct should be a baseline effect added to Kill Command. I mean, it’s called KILL Command…
-Animal Companion, the idea behind it, I love it. In practice, it’s horrible to play with in game. At this stage, it would be better if they essentially just, give us the mechanical design from Hati but added to a second pet of ours. It worked better in Legion.
-Scent of Blood, I honestly don’t know how you can justify occupying a talent slot with something like this. 8 more focus from an ability you use maybe every 8 seconds?
The talent should have another effect added to it. Something like “…and whenever your pet’s Basic Attack hits a bleeding target(affected by Barbed Shot), there’s a chance that your next Kill Command against that target will be a guaranteed critical hit.”
-One with the Pack, same as with Scent of Blood, there should be another effect added to this talent.
I would suggest: “Whenever you get a Wild Call proc, this causes your next Barbed Shot to add an extra Frenzy stack to your pet. Up to a max of 4 stacks.”
Note: If you have 2 stacks of Frenzy, getting a Wild Call proc, this means the next Barbed Shot fired can increase those 2 stacks up to 4. If your pet is already at 3 stacks, it would also increase to 4. You should only be able to stack to 4 if you have the bonus of a Wild Call proc. Otherwise, same as normal, 3 stacks.
-Venomous Bite, same as above, it needs something more.
Maybe this: “The damage bonus of your next Bestial Wrath is increased by 1% for every Cobra Shot fired. And each Cobra Shot fired also causes your next Bestial Wrath to provide you with 1% Haste(the % Haste increases with every Cobra Shot).”
-Thrill of the Hunt, I guess could stay as it is. Although it should also affect your pet, not just you(currently it only benefits you as the hunter).
-Stomp, I would say is a nice idea, though I would want for it to have something like this as well: “If Stomp critically hits your primary target, then the next Basic Attack(Bite, Claw, Smack) done by your pet will be a guaranteed critical hit.”
-Aspect of the Beast, I would like this to be called something else. IMO. Something called that, I would associate it with you as the hunter, and what you do, not what your pet does.
This last point also leads me to something else. I mentioned earlier how it to me, feels like there’s something missing during longer fights as a BM hunter.
Asking myself, what do I think of when I say Beast Mastery hunter.
What comes to mind, is a mechanic we as hunters have had for the longest time.
That mechanic, is the Aspects. Now, all hunter specs have Aspects to some degree. I just would like for BM to be the spec that really embraces what it means to take on the Aspects of all the wild beasts out there.
I made a post the other day(based on my original post that was on the old forums before they were changed). This new post, describes what I would like for a true Aspect-system to be like, for BM hunters.
Here’s the link to it: Beast Mastery[Aspects!]
Note: the actual names of the suggested Aspects, aren’t set in stone.
Other links
Melee Survival suggestions: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/blizzard-gave-up-on-classes/153612/223?u=ghorak-laughing-skull
Old Survival(DoT-spec) suggestions: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/4th-spec-pre-legion-survival-spec-fantasy/47579?u=briz-zenedar