Any veterans find hunters more boring than ever?

The best version of hunter was early wod survival for raiding and pvp. It was nerfed and gutted later in the expansion to favor MM.

I disagree with the pet part.

On live you can carry five different pets and all five can have different abilities if bm

On classic everyone will have a wolf, a wind serpent and a cat if pvp, owl/bat if don’t pvp.

Yes there were times when it was even more diverse but I prefer how it is now.

The core of WoD SV, I did like a lot. I would’ve preferred to keep Serpent Sting as a separate ability though, but that’s just me.

What I did not like about either MoP or WoD, was talent design. I found it to be too general in it’s approach. I’m one of those that prefers it if talents are designed to build on your chosen fantasy/theme(spec).

By that I mean the basic idea of having talents do that. There are many talents in the current game that I do not like. Though that’s not because of their intended design towards spec fantasy/theme, but more towards the specific talent designs themselves.

I would argue that it was nerfed due to the devs having already decided to scrap that spec going forward. They had already been working on the MSV design for a while at that point so, they didn’t want to do too much with RSV, as it was going to be gone soon anyway.

I fully understand and share your frustration but this has happened due to the continual buffing of melee specs across the board, via both self-healing and anti-kiting tools. The ranged Hunters realistically haven’t lost much since WoD when it comes to kiting tools.


This, but I only play BM and never not BM

Can’t speak for the class in PvP but yeah. Many players feel as you do.

We need to get back that playstyle of a mobile ranger that does not have a main focus on pets.
Should there be no option to focus on pets at all? Depends on who you ask ofc.

But the old ranged SV from pre-Legion did a good job of filling this role.

Many want it back. As evident by many topics created in the past as well as more recently. One can only hope that the devs hear us…

#We need range Survival Hunters back


I’m no veteran but as much as I’d love to enjoy Hunters, it just is got awful boring to play. I don’t need 1000 buffs or what not to keep up that make it interesting… I just think the rotation is awful. The only thing that it beats is the DH havoc rotation.

The animations too for some shots is god awful… (who designed them and thought it looked good, lol).

Legion Hunter I just hated, BFA was a notch better FOR ME but still doesn’t say much.


The one that stands out the most for me is Cobra Shot.

Who thought that neon-green goo behaving like a popped balloon was thematically accurate with the use of a gun or a bow/xbow?

Some things, yeah.

I did not like that they took away the choice between Barbed Shot(pr. DF) and Dire Beast though for BM.

And talent design for the spec could see many improvements being made. Both in terms of design as well as numbers.

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Nope, and I’ve been playing BM hunter since I started … not every class needs flash! especially BM where our pets do the bulk of the dps!

The other 2 specs are boring but survival is a fun to me anyways… if you wanna see a really boring spec play havoc…

I just started playing a hunter - level 40 atm. Found this thread doing a search, hoping there was more fun as I level up, but it seems this is it. It’s so boring. Pet does everything on its own. Two button spam. I dunno if I can stomach it to max level…


I can only give opinions about Survival and Marks. I see most Hunters as BM’s, or perhaps only BM is noticeable in world.

The only satisfying part of Marks is being able to 1 shot something if everything is set up. In a raid it is like meh rotation.

Survival, well… That used to be my main spec and I loved it. Then they changed to melee and I didn’t play a Hunter to be melee. Who does that?

Personally I think the pet/melee should be the DH’s 3rd spec, not Hunter.


Yeah, that’s why I’m switching my main to this pally here.

I thought I found my dream class when I realized I can be ranged while having free mobility to move around like melee.

Boy was I wrong- Hunter, especially BM feels terrible. Almost fell asleep on my keyboard.

Im a veteran player, hunter main since vanilla. End of vanilla into BC was the best times. If you have fun soling what a lot of classes can’t. Demons, kiting sh*t to cities, and having a companion to do with the whole time.

I play all three specs mainly bm/surv. I used to love surv going into BC with duel hatchets in melee stacking agility. Or sitting back stacking crit and aimed shotting rag to death while feign death drinking.

All three specs have their ups and downs right now, I use all three in both pve/pvp. Beast of a class. I like to play outside the box with stats too. Mastery build as BM and surv right now is redic.

Whichever you spec you decide to play just think of your role and look how fun it could be, I solo outdoor raid bosses, merc most 1v1 in Wpvp and if played right any spec I can pretty much place top 5 in raids.

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I just like using sniper shot at its absolute MAXIMUM distance and watching melee players have onscreen meltdowns over how I’m allowed to hit them that far off.

Then follow it up with bursting shot lol, and have the explosive at your feet. BEAST CLASS

ALOT of people having difficulties with the new quest/zones. I kinda did as SURV and yeah, BM is dope for quest/lore/character progression.

Survival is fun, however he cannot take a hit…

i find Bm a bore mm and sv are super fun for me thats me though