Any tips for a new FF14 player?

The 3 second GCD makes it so that no matter how fluid a class is, it’s slower than anything in WoW. There are some classes that feel like they play better (Pugilist made me want to continue playing when I made the mistake of making the Arcanist as my first class) but it’s nothing compared to Fury Warrior for example. I smash buttons all the time with that.

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Go to the final fantasy forums and post your questions there. This is not the place for it.

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I think they’re working on revamping it? But it’s slow going. I know they cut the worst part 2.0-2.5 in half quest wise. Originally it was 100 quest of just drag. I actually quit the first time I got there for a while.

Still they’re trying to make it better but the team has a lot less funding than WoW. ARR Isn’t horrible, but compared to WoW’s leveling process it’s definitely inferior at first.

A better place to ask might be the FF14 in-game novice network. The quality of the novice network can be hit or miss based on the server, but it’s one place where you can ask newbie questions and often get a response. Ask a character with a crown symbol (mentor) if you can join.

The FF14 forums are another place to ask as well.

My guess? The reaction that Cataclysm got is why they won’t want to touch the leveling experience, that and the story for each expansion actually builds off of the previous ones much more than WoW expansions do (come on Blizzard, make better stories!)

There’s a bunch of things that are incorrect about this.

  1. The base GCD is 2.5 seconds.
  2. Ninja’s base GCD is 2 seconds with Suiton up (which it always is)
  3. 2/3rds to 3/4ths of your actions are off the GCD as ninja.

You are never not mashing buttons as a ninja. The GCD is almost too short to fit your off GCD rotation in at higher levels.

You’re confused because in wow 95% of your button presses are on the GCD. In FF14, about 25-33% (for fast classes) and 50-75% (slow classes) are the on the GCD.

Go ask on their forums. This is WoW GD.

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Ahhhh yes. The “it gets better 100 hours in” is not a good way to defend the game.

Ninja ain’t a starting job. And it being twice as long as WoW’s GCD ain’t making it any better

FFXIV is slow. If you go in expecting fast and responsive combat, you’re not going to like it. Just be honest and you’ll get more people to try the game.

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You are misrepresenting the combat by talking about the GCD as if it impacts every spell. It impacts a minority of your spells whereas in WoW it impacts almost all your spells.

The only way to compare them is APM.

And, funnily enough, the class you cited, Fury Warrior, has about the same APM as Ninja.

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my tip is to make sure your chair is comfy. you will be sitting through more cutscenes than gameplay

You don’t have to do every single quest you ever see like you do in wow - just MSQ. The side quests are for gear/small xp. The Blue quests however are very important too and unlock dungeons/raids/ect so do those.

Go in with a fresh mindset, not a wow mindset, otherwise you will hate it. It is not like wow, it is very RPG-themed. You will have quests to unlock everything, literally, but this gives better rpg feeling…eveeything has a reason your there.

When you get to the point of joining 1 of the 3 grand companies, choose based on the colors of uniform you like - they have no real difference other then what city they are based in and what colors their glamours are(as represented by their uniforms).

Don’t be afraid to say your new or ask for help in dungeons on what to do. People are friendly there and love new players. If you get a rude player who’s being toxic, report them. They WILL get a suspension.

Most importantly, take your time leveling. The endgame is not what FF14 is all about. The story and leveling through it is also core content, teaching you mechanics and how to play the game along the way. DO NOT BOOST. Quin69 recently tried FF14, after first dungeon he decided to boost cause it was easy, attempted savage raid and had NO idea what was going on or anything about he’s class and he rage quit the game next day. DO NOT be like Quin69 and skip over content.


Fury Warrior doesn’t take 30+ hours to get started with it.

if you like questing, make sure you do a minimal amount so you save some for your alternate jobs. otherwise it’s the fate/dungeon grind every other time!

So now you are changing the topic from, “Combat too slow” to “I don’t like leveling.”

Got it.


Nah, i like how Blizzard has chosen to treat past expansions. Its a bit how ESO are treating theirs. I’m hoping (since I still make new characters) that we get back to Azeroth and the island will drop up off at that one instead of BFA.

I can’t imagine how the story 1-50 matters in FFXIV. I can’t even remember it except that woman got kidnapped (and killed I think). The Scions were totally forgettable and I’d much rather, if I started playing again, never having to deal with that. I won’t be but if I did that’s what I’d like. And I played that stuff when it used to really drag and still have no recollection of what it was about.

Good Choice. It’s by far my favorite class in the game. Just be aware that when doing lower level content, BLM’s rotation changes a lot, and FFXIV is a game that gives you reasons to continue doing lower level content even at max level, so that’s not going to go away just because you’re also doing endgame content.

Combat Pacing early on is very slow. It gets better, but WoW will always be faster as a whole. FFXIV has some classes with very quick windows within their rotation that might be faster, but it’s not like it maintains that. As a whole, WoW is noticeably faster. It’s something you’ll have to get used to.

Also, be aware that damage from boss telegraphs and such is calculated based on the cast, not the animation. It’s an oddity that makes it feel like you’re lagging when you take damage if you’re used to WoW, but it’s consistent, it’s not lag, you just have to be aware that it’s the cast that matters, and that the animation to finish up that cast visually might be delayed in comparison – and that includes the telegraph going away.

It is a fact that combat has a longer GCD. That it’s slower on 90% of the classes in FFXIV. Cast times are long, the GCD is long. Tick times are long. If you go into FFXIV expecting the responsive combat that WoW has, you’re not going to like it. So why are you trying to butter it up as the best thing ever and dismissing all criticism as “oh, you’re .5 seconds off the mark” and “you must hate levelling”

I’m fine with levelling. I’m fine with the combat being slow. I just wish that everyone who buttered up the game across the internet actually told the truth to prospective players who are splitting from a game that’s got incredibly responsive combat.\

It’s like telling someone who’s losing heart in CoD to try out Squad without telling them it plays completely differently and it’s a big change of pace

Asmongolds reddit community is actually very good w this. Most of the advice people gave you here are correct. Id say use the free trial to its full extent and enjoy all the content you can. Its a very good community for the most part.

FFXIV is about the journey, not the destination.

You begin with an incredibly slow combat rotation, but that doesn’t last forever. Eventually, it starts to smooth out. Never quite smooth, but that’s okay; the game is over at that point.

Fortunately, if the journey ended too quickly, you can return to low level dungeons where you’re restricted to your low level set of skills/clunky rotation.

Imagine trolling final fantasy at this point and then you say yawn hypocrite at its finest.