Currently downloading it bc I’m curious what all the hype is about and am going to give it a fair shot. Going to go black mage as I mostly only play mage classes lol. Any random tips/advice? How are you guys liking FF14 right now?
i have tip delete final fantasy on u competer , is a scam , the game do alotta time u cant do battle grond alot !
Ask their forums.
You don’t need any tips. Just roll on a server with boosted xp and do the main storyline.
The game handholds you pretty well to cap.
Could you maybe ask on the FF forum rather than here?
This is forum is for discussion of matters to do with World of Warcraft after all.
Not at the moment it’s not
I played it a bit on the trial they had. It’s a lovely world but I still like WoW’s better.
I hear it has a good story but starts out slow. I didn’t get very far and I’m one of those people that won’t read unless I have to so there’s that to consider.
The movement, game play is similar to WoW’s, the races are all fairly the same except now they have something called Hrothgar which I think is interesting.
It was suggested to me that to get player housing can take awhile and to check out low pop servers if that’s what you’re interested in.
That’s about all I remember. GL with it. You’ll probably find it pretty good as a lot of people seem to like it.
enjoy the journey.
its about the journey more than the destination.
but the destination is amazing too
and dont worry the voice acting gets better in heavensward
wrong forums. this is World of Warcraft.
Maybe you should ask their forums instead of the WoW forums.
This is a wow forum…this is like asking Wendies how they like Mcdonalds xD
aaand i’m asking WoW players for their opinion. bye
It’s like she’s trying to speak to us!
No, you should go ahead and mute this post.
oh another thing i love about ff14 is the golden saucer. basically a 1000x better version of the darkmoon faire, and its 24/7 365 days open. lots of games like leap of faith where you jump obstacles or slice is right where you avoid a giant samurai dude cutting giant bamboo its super fun and so many people do it now, event going. also a big lottery for the currency there.
everyone wins at the golden saucer
First tip - go to the FF 14 boards and sites. They have to exist, and there are probably a lot of hints and tips for people coming from WoW already there.
Well I can think of one, ask on their forums?
Haven’t done Black Mage yet myself but from what i understand, there’s a bit of a ramp up for their rotation, but that may be old news, at the very least look into some kinda guide for a proper rotation perhaps.
It’s fun. Been playing for a good while and haven’t felt even a hint of burn out yet. Favorite class is probably Bard overall, but all the ones i tried so far are fun.
You’re not original, someone else already said that. giant yawn
Good thing I wasn’t trying to be. Just like you asking about FFXIV here.