Any tips for a new FF14 player?

As a 1 year long FF player.


Oh, additional advice.

Different classes have different OFF GCD ROTATIONS. This game’s combat is the opposite of WoW, where the majority of your abilities are ON GCD. Classes like Ninja, Gunbreaker, Machinist, etc are MAJORITY OFF GCD. So for every 2.0 second GCD (ninja) ability, you are usually pressing 2-3 OFF GCD abilities, meaning that your APM is closer to 50-70 depending on the fight and uptime. Obviously, there’s very few patchwerk style bosses in FF14 given that every fight has a dance mechanic of some sort, so your avg APM will be closer to 50 (unless you are eating AoE and dying lol)

Man, I knew there were a lot, but holy shiite

And that number doesn’t include any of the other quests, like for a mount, or Grand Company quests, quests to unlock side dungeons, trials, raids, quests for all the crafting and gathering jobs, or random stuff like the Hildebrand quests, and just all of the side story quests that are not part of the MSQ. It’s a crazy amount of content, really.

I have no idea how may quests WoW has, nor where to easily figure it out, but I’d have to guess that it’s a similar number, I suppose.

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Here’s a tip. Go ask on their forums. Have fun playing that horrible mmo and probably best to cancel here and move on and stick to those forums. Oh wait. Their forums are as bad as the game so no wonder you come here to post about it.

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Trash tier bait

Have fun and don’t rush unlike WoW the game isn’t hyper focused on endgame you can do the content at your own pace and relax and hang out with players check out there houses and the guild house and just have fun.

No need to worry about keys and high end gear as the gap between lower and higher gear isn’t much (which is a great thing for casuals)

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do it! i’m only level 11 but I’m actually pretty intrigued by the game and having fun questing. honestly thought I wouldn’t like it at first. I like seeing people’s cool transmogs too, the armor is definitely better than wow’s tbh. best part is it’s free till 60 so it’s worth a shot

So you haven’t even left Ul’dah yet.

Oh, also here is a tip. The change in voice actors between A Realm Reborn and Heavensward is abrupt at this stage in the game. So just be ready for that.

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I personally vastly prefer the Heavensward and onward vas

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As do I, except for the Admiral. I think the ARR Admiral was better than what we have now.

But my thing was, no one told me there voice actors changed between ARR and HW, so I was kinda weirded out a little when it happened.

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heres the best tip for you!

I’m pretty sure you can play up to level 50 free. Aka here’s the worst part of the game enjoy!

It’s 60 actually.

You can play the base game and the 1st xpac for free for an unlimited amount of time.

Start with an Arcanist rather than black mage. Black mage is painful at early levels, and can feel slow!

However, both classes really start to shine post 60 so you should enjoy it no matter what.

Do Blue exclamation quest after you hit lvl 50. Those unlock new content and FFXIV has a lot of content that never really gets to be irrelevant.

Oh, more advice for new players.

In WoW, animations happen during casting and if you are in the spot at the end of the animation, you get bonked by the boss.
In FF14, animations happen AFTER casts complete. If you see the boss start their animation and you haven’t moved… YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD. Your death animation will happen after the boss animation completes, but you are bonked already.

WoW Animation complete = Attack complete → Dead if finished.
FF14 Telegraph complete = Attack complete → Dead if finished (BUT STILL MOVING) → Leads to animation complete and death.

This can result in situations where you think you moved out in time but you actually started moving way too late. People then think that the game is laggy, but it’s actually just a style difference.

Same with running and instant attacks. You press them, THEY HAPPEN WHEN YOU PRESSED THEM. The animation happens AFTER that. Your 6 slash combo instant attack is applied immediately and THEN the animation happens. This gives the impression it’s slow or channeled, but it’s not. It’s just that the animation is delayed/independent of what’s happening.

It’s slow. Don’t go in expecting super fast and fluid combat like WoW.

That said don’t start out as a Thaumaturge or whatever has the Carbunkle pet thingy. Slow as crap and the pet is absolutely useless. Go anything else and you’ll actually want to continue playing without dealing with a worthless pet and unimpressive (but flashy) spells

Heres a tip. Ask on the FF forum? lol

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Blackmage, sure.
But there’s classes that are just as fast as classes in WoW.

You can actually pick for a wide range from whitemage being the slowest to ninja being the fastest.

Is there a reason they won’t go back and remake the level 1-50 experience? After what was done to make ARR its getting very very long in the tooth.