Any tech-people able to advise a total noob?


Just got the video card today, and the adapter cables a few days earlier. Going to try and figure out what to do tomorrow.

Let us know how it goes!

(and if you need any help)

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For the most part, is there anything I should do before I open up my machine, dust it out, and fiddle with the hardware?

A good dusting out isn’t bad if you have a can of air somewhere. I would leave well enough alone though if everything is fine. Don’t want to introduce more variables if you encounter problems during your install.

There’s a slight chance you may need a BIOS update to get it to recognize, but I think it’s unlikely. But it could happen.

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I bought a few duster cans in prep for this, yep.

So I can just get started and put the hardware in?

I’d follow the DDU instructions - run it in safe mode for “installing new graphics card”, power it down, swap hardware, power up, then install the new driver.

If it doesn’t POST, there’s a small chance you need to update your motherboard BIOS. But I don’t think it’s likely.

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Salhezra here

I used my 120 Shadowlands boost on a Mage. Hi

Beginning the process now. I have the DDU thing running and am going to open the computer once it shuts down, when I will start tinkering with the hardware. Have my phone just in case to post here if needed.

I’m scared, lol.

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Shardling again.
Alrighty it was a very rough process. Had a lot of trouble getting things in and out oh, and I genuinely did break off a tiny piece of something. I think it was the clip that holds the video card in. But I managed to plug it in as well as the adapter cables, and after plugging the computer back in it did start up again so maybe I’m in the clear. I’m not sure.

Any idea what I need to do next?

Good choice xD

Those retention clips can be a pain. I’ve snapped one or two in my time.
I see you have already cleaned old drivers out.
If you haven’t yet, install the drivers for your new card and take it for a spin.

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My anxiety spiked up drastically when I did that. I just need to know, did I sentence my computer to death when that happened, or can it function just fine without it?

Trying to figure out that part now, hehe. Would this GeForce Experience thing help with that?

i’d skip the GeForce Experience part. Just install the driver. GFE is a lot of bloat.

I wouldn’t worry about the retention clip. It’s not really necessary so long as your card is secured tightly with the screws.

Edit: I think I’m okay. Downloaded that driver I found on the site. WoW resetted to “default settings” after detecting new hardware. Crossed my fingers, logged on and…

Holy hell. this world is beautiful!

I’m having a hard time getting to that part, can you help me?

Edit: Do I get them from here?

It is, thankfully. :slight_smile:

If you’ve already used gfe and it’s running, don’t worry about it. It’s not going to be that big a deal.

I’m glad you’re enjoying the new performance.

The 1660 Super is a huge jump from a GTX 645.

I’d say playing on a modified 7 should give you great performance and visual quality.

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Thanks very much, for all of yours, Mordrid’s, Yindar’s, Dadiddio’s and Polgara’s help.

I will be honest, it was a bit of a hit and miss during a lot of that. I had a hard time fitting this monster inside and was wondering if it even would. I was still a bit confused as to how the adapter cables worked, so I just plugged it in into whatever slots I found.

There’s also that retention clip that broke, and a couple of those metal “vent” pieces that I could not for the life of me figure out how to get back on. I was honestly feeling incredibly stressed and nervous throughout the entire thing. So I figured “what the hey” and turned the computer on, just to see if I didn’t damage it beyond all repair. To my surprise, it turned on, and after installing the driver and loading up WoW, the game is now running smoothly with every single setting on Ultra.

It’s amazing, and totally worth the struggle. So much I’m learning about the game I didn’t get to see before, like the skeletons in AD having glowing ribcages and whatnot, lol. Whole new experience! Super thankful to be playing the class with the most flashy game effects too, to get the maximum fun out of this. xD



OMG Mom! I’m here with my friends - can’t I get any privacy??? :wink: :crazy_face:


Yes indeed! I had this reaction when I upgraded from my GTX645 :slight_smile:
I’m very happy for you!

As long as you don’t jostle the computer and loosen it up, you should be fine.

I am a bit more concerned about this. Metal pieces should not come off and I am hoping that this isn’t something that impacts the card’s cooling. Can you post some pics of the pieces and where they came off the card?

Just to be safe, you might want to download and install HWMonitor so we can see where the temps go while you are gaming: (if you can, post the pic of the pieces first so we know if this is necessary)

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Could be the “Metal Vent Pieces” are the mounting covers on the back of the case. Just guessing here.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, which I why I suggested the pictures. Hopefully this is the case. I looked at pics of the card and didn’t see any pieces that could snap off.

Do they look like this OP? If so, those don’t get put back on:

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Yup, this is what I’m talking about.

So right now the back of my tower is a little exposed since I couldn’t figure out how to get them back on.

Not really sure what I’m going to do there. Technically since there’s an open area, the computer should be ‘more’ ventilated, right? But I am concerned about it attracting dust more easily, and even had a weird thought about insects potentially moving in there, but that just means I have to dust it out more regularly, right? I did buy a pack of dusters for that purpose at least.

Yep, it appears so. xD
It does make me wonder what they were originally for though.