Any Survival hunters Annoyed with

MY MAN! =] I knew I couldn’t be the only one.

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Thats 100% fine as well.


Well I do like to collaborate and listen.

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Whether or not you think it’s “fine” that a formerly very popular spec is relegated to niche status, why are we settling for that? What are we getting out of the sacrifice? Why shouldn’t we make it ranged? Because as it stands all the positive aspects of Survival are in spite of being melee while all the negatives are because of being melee.


Also fine, if not preferred.

You didn’t actually answer anything with this post.

What does Survival gain by being melee? You keep dismissing it as being “fine”, but would it not be “better” as ranged? If not, why do you think so?


I like it as melee, and its melee playstyle, and it find it fine that its a neglected niche playstyle. I personally wouldn’t have it any other way, and if people have issues with it, i think that only makes it better. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s neglected and niche because it’s melee. Not neglecting it would mean making it ranged. What a delusional post.

P.S. If you love handicapping yourself to melee range so much the ranged Hunter specs including SV before 7.0 can fight in melee just fine. You don’t need to take away the ranged weapon to do that.


And yet asking for it to go back ranged after 6 years isn’t evidence of some sort of delusion? lol


It would improve the spec. It’s still relevant.

You want it to stay melee because you have some sort of masochism and like to handicap yourself. Why should 1/3 of the class be designed around that?


Like the amount of time you’ve spent asking for it to be ranged?


You’re being evasive again.

Why should the spec not be ranged?


Because its melee currently. :woman_shrugging:t6:

A better question is, why does my answer, as a SV main, need to make sense to you?


Hardly, even remotely, comparable to a debatable change in a video game.

Oh, good, so you DO understand that… I was a little worried you were seriously comparing literal human atrocities to a video game.

I don’t frequent these boards much anymore. Patiently waiting for my sub to die. Since you wanted to claim that my information was wrong, i took 10 minutes of my time to find the proof you needed.

Here is a representation of specs from MOP’s 4.3.3 patch through WoD’s 5.4.

You can clearly see that ranged survival was well above both BM and the floundering MM. Even when it wasn’t the best hunter spec (and BM was really good in WoD), it still had significantly more representation than MM and a respectable representation vs others (3rd-6th most played rdps).

Here is a representation of WoD’s raid stats. Below you can clearly see that survival was lower after being nerfed in preparation to make it melee and then falling completely off the charts when it was finally killed with the serpent sting nerf and never coming back out of the grave!

Any other concerns about my information?

Comment questioning the validity of sources in 3…

(The bottom graph that shows survival hunters entering the grave and never returning is from wowhead)


Don’t suppose you could also post the compareison of feral vs boomie, ele vs enh?

Uhh yeah

You didn’t address this at all.

All that effort for nothing lol

So clearly you’re either trolling, horrible at math or someone in denial. I literally showed you that survival went from the most played ranged dps spec in MOP, to non-existent at the start of Legion and you still try to find an argument? Clearly inferencing is not a strength of yours. I can’t prove how a person felt when this happened and I refuse to find the percentages that prove it. Make no mistake, the total % of players that were hunters is lower now than it was before Legion. Not hard to find, I refuse to do the work for you. I proved what needed to be proved, you chose to ignore it because either you don’t understand the math, you are unable to infere data, or you are intentionally in denial. It doesn’t matter to me anymore, this game is a dumpster fire and has been since they removed the best spec in the game. You can disagree with my opinion on the spec, but the fact that you disagree with the facts I presented show you for what you are.


That bottom graph isn’t accurate because it’s using data from warcraftlogs and it’s only getting the last 2 weeks of the patch. For Highmaul this means June 2015 i.e. long after the raid was current and BRF’s release in February. By that point BM was the preferred spec and most people had switched away from SV in preparation for 6.2 which gutted it. SV’s representation was a lot higher before this; in late Jan/early Feb 2015 it was in fact the most played spec in the game. You can see that data here:

Sort by date range and you can see the pattern over time.


Typically Feral has been a lot more popular than SV. This patch (9.2) is the only real exception for obvious reasons.