Any Survival hunters Annoyed with

Any Survival hunters annoyed with people saying why would you play melee when you can play ranged? If that’s the case why play a warrior or enh shaman.


Probably because ranged > melee in most pve situations. Plus, war and enh bring solid utility whereas sv does not.

That said, don’t sweat what other people think you should play. Play what you want.


Yes, then I let the DPS meter speak for itself :slight_smile:

Enhancement usually has representation problems just like feral and survival do. Those specs are only played when they’re borderline overpowered. And even when they are, it’s underwhelming. Survival is really good right now, but is still the least played spec of the class. I can guarantee you that if it was still ranged and as powerful, it’d be the most played spec by far.

Truth is, the spec was never designed with hunters in mind. It certainly feels like most posts about the spec are made by players of other melee classes that use survival as an alt. So there’s that stigma too.


I like the resourcefulness inherent in shaman and hunter being mixed classes for my main, and I also like that it matches in-game representations of a lot of ranger archetypes being able to use both melee and ranged weapons equally well.

I don’t do super well with pure melees comparatively (leveling my rogue or monk is a bit of a nightmare to me, and I admit my DH is like 50% beefcake, I logged on him once since Legion)

That is one way of looking at it. But it also appeals to players who prefer a martial fantasy, and melee tends to scratch that itch better (or has in the past) than ranged classes in WoW. MSV actually gives martial fantasy fans a way to play hunter that feels more martial than BM or MM.


Martial fantasy? What?

Like there isn’t already a class entirely centered around that?


In rpgs there is typically martial classes and magical classes. While hunter is objectively a martial class, the execution in wow has made it feel like a class that shoots spells from a bow.

Edit: In defense of RSV, SV always felt like the least magical of the hunter specializations. Not that it didnt use mana, or animal aspects, or magically infused ammunition, but it depended less on cast times, or the magical augmentation of animal minions. The spec felt the most like the one that shoots/hits enemies with a weapon.

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Ranger hasn’t been a “full martial” since 3e, even in 2e it had magic as the name level capstone

By that metric 3e bard is a martial

There is a variant in the 5e though Or is it just a build. EH details :stuck_out_tongue:

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Absolutely, and that definitely influenced ranger class iterations in video games throughout the late 90s and early 2000s

That said, you contrasting ranger against bard supports my point that for many people, those two classes should fall into two distinct categories. Yes, rangers have access to nature magic, and bards have access to ranged and melee weapons, but they are separated by a decidedly martial or magical fantasy.

I personally don’t think they should fwiw, I like both being magic dabblers (and even melee SV could easily be a magic dabbler ranger).

But fair, I guess

Also I hate 5e’s spell-less ranger, just play a fighter or the scout rogue spec.

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i think most of the people that might of said that to a melee survival hunter are ex ranged survival hunters watching people in their beloved spec that was ripped away from them with no warning, no vote, no nothing. just up and taken away with no alternative. yea i think those might be the people. can you imagine having a brand new bugatti and someone steals it. just grand theft autos it from you. and the cops… well they do nothing. and every day you see that thief drive by in your bugatti except its all smashed to pieces with scratches and dents and fenders falling off… yea thats us watching all the melee survival hunters right now. yea.


I think you’re delusional.


Insane Self Sustain / Personal Pet Tank / Uncapped Cluster Bombs

Hard to top that. Also Blizzard has said in the past that melee overall is slightly tuned higher in damage due to it being at a disadvantage to ranged. Not sure if it’s exactly true though.

nope bc i pvp and survival is great in pvp. just come over to the fun side of wow

i play surv with a bow and arcane shot and im always top dps in my groups give it a try!

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tbh, I’m more annoyed with people who come into survival threads and viciously attack and bash any player that likes the spec as it is now compared to how it used to be, like it’s their fault blizzard changed the spec


I will say when i play sv i never get people asking if im mm or bm, but when i play balance i get asked 8/10 times if im feral or not. I think feral, despite being very strong gets more slack and hate than sv.

Most of the sv hate comes from other hunters.


Don’t think anyone has ever told me this then again if you want to play something you play it regardless of someone’s opinion but, that’s my two cents. :cowboy_hat_face: