Any Survival hunters Annoyed with

I still “carry the torch” for DK Blood DPS, Frost Tanking, and Unholy pre-Woons. You know back in the Wrath days of yore when you could do everything in all the specs.

That was fun and oh boy were me and my wife (also in love with Frost DW tanking) unhappy when Blizz took them away. So I can relate to losing a playstyle you love… But Beeps takes it to another level.

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All I can be is me, and I don’t much care what happens with MSV, except that if the spec is going to be doing so much ranged damage, then they should have a proper weapon to do it with. I was trying to warn you against a poor practice.
Lets try a quote:

I want to be one of the things people believe, can believe. Yes, it is just a forum for a computer game, but as above, so below.
Edit: Hey, I see you’ve edited your post, you’re no longer advising me to not act weird, or be weird, one or the other.
As I said, all I can be is me, and I’m not acting.
N.P. I still like you, just maybe not so much, so watch it, LoL.

Why is it a mistake; because you don’t like it? Surv is flourishing without you and will continue to. What’s really interesting is how much you disagree with a company but still give them $20 a month year after year. Do I dare ask your endgame strategy? Or will we still expect to see you derailing threads in another decade crying about the changes in 14.0


Lol? Survival is severely underperforming in terms of representation. They gave it an enormous tuning advantage this tier including some of the best uncapped AoE in the game (i.e. handicapping almost every other spec especially those in the same class) and it’s still the least played Hunter spec by a mile and one of the less-played specs in the game. They relegated BM to absolute bin status in M+ and there are still twice as many of them as there are SV Hunters which is considered S tier from a tuning standpoint. In raids it’s even worse. I’m not sure if there’s ever been a spec with such a discrepancy between high performance and low representation. Let’s not forget that whenever SV isn’t S-tier performance, even just merely A tier, it plummets to the lowest representation in the game.

Meanwhile in the past when ranged SV ever had this form of tuning advantage it would have no problem becoming the most played Hunter spec and likely the most played spec in the entire game. It even routinely saw good representation when it wasn’t the best spec numerically, such as in Siege of Orgrimmar.

This is evidently the result of being melee. No more excuses about performance. That’s not possible any more. Here they’ve given SV an incredibly privileged position and most Hunters still look for excuses to avoid it. That’s what makes it a mistake: making the spec melee is all negatives and no positives. Bribing people with high tuning doesn’t fix this especially when it’s from a borrowed power.

There is zero reason to keep it melee when it’s clearly such an overbearing handicap for the spec in so many ways. As I said before, 95% of the defense of melee SV is the result of a fallacious association between SV’s positive aspects (basically just tuning and rotational flow) and being melee. None of that is actually dependent on being melee. This is especially true when the entire reason for the spec’s existence at this point, Wildfire Bomb, is a ranged ability that’s a poor thematic fit for a melee spec to begin with. Do you think people come to the spec for Raptor Strike and Carve? Why not just have a ranged Survival with Wildfire Bomb as a key ability? You could keep much of the same aesthetic, gameplay, and even talent choices while cutting out the melee aspects that only hold the spec back and are so relegated to the fringes of the spec that melee Survival fans use its ability to be a pseudo-ranged spec as a selling point. It’s as close to a win-win scenario as you can get. The only people who lose are the Rexxar roleplayers and for them we could just have a talented melee stance within BM which would make far more sense.


There will always be demand for ranged SV. Not even just because it used to be ranged. It’s in a class that’s so heavily themed around ranged weapon combat that even SV itself has been heavily influenced and modified to the point where there’s not much melee left in the spec.

It’s not just me, in any case. Just this expansion I’ve seen the likes of Preach Gaming, Limit Max, and Gingi talk about how good SV was as a ranged spec, how the audience of SV is mainly melee alts rather than Hunter mains, and how it’s not clear why SV is still melee. So there will always be pressure to some extent for SV to be a ranged spec no matter what I do in particular. The problem is Blizzard’s design process is largely independent of pressure from players these days.




But there isn’t any now

Hundreds of thousands of Hunter players and there are like 6 on the forums asking for RSV.

It’s gone bud


Not at all.
Using the Forum search engine, type in “ranged survival”.
I did this.
Hundreds of posts came up, by hundreds of different posters, and the majority, an overwhelming majority, want ranged survival to return.
Changing Survival to melee, and keeping the spec melee, how is it affecting the game?
It’s keeping the numbers of Hunters down.
Mission accomplished?


Not just forum posters, either, but many prominent streamers.

Put it this way: there’s a hell of a lot more demand to turn melee Survival ranged than there was to turn ranged Survival melee.


Even if this is true, which I don’t believe it is, hundreds is nothing compared to hundreds of thousands.

It’s a loud but very insignificant minority and most of the complaints/demands are toxic.

It’s not happening.


The forums are terrible way to judge the majority rule. It was a small number that asked for Melee Hunter before Legion, and the majority said it would never happen. The ones who are still asking for Range Survival to come back are just the ones who are still most vocal about it. While the other half would like it back, but not enough that they need to preach about it everyday.

No one can make any predictions on the future of any spec based on forum opinions that all left on Blizzard as they decide what comes next. Survival becoming fully range spec may not be in the cards but Blizzard might give it another over haul, and add in more range abilities or have it be able to switch from between melee or range.

If a forum poster is not bothering you any where but on the forums I just take everything they say with a grain of salt as they have no impact on the game, it’s just their word or them blowing off steam. As long as you are able to still play the game uninterrupted I just ignore them and actually enjoy my day.


Easy enough to prove.
50+ results forRanged Survival #community:general-discussion before:2021-09-01
This represents just the First 50+ posts, and these are all first posts, creating a new topic, and note that this is from general-discussion , not the Hunter Forum. Whatever the title, the OP’s mention Ranged Survival in their opening statement.

I searched for Ranged Survival and in the first 10 results, only 4 were talking about bringing it back or disliking melee and 2 of those 4 were Bepples lol


As an ex-WoW player (that played for over 8+ years and my dumb-butt signed up for the 6 month sub, which I cancelled 2 or 3 months ago!), I can tell you 100% I stopped playing because they made RSV a crappy melee class. They 100% removed my favorite class and spec with no regards to my interests. I tried other classes and specs for over 4 years but they all sucked compared to RSV. If they bring back RSV i MIGHT consider coming back, but as of right now they have alienated me and as far as I’m concerned Blizzard can continue to burn down and I will laugh at them because they chose to remove my favorite spec, and several other thousands of other players favorite spec…because of “stupid” reasons!!! As long as Survival stays melee, I will not play a single Blizzard game!! Based off of actual real stats, and not the anecdotal crap people like Forumgoblin give you, that MASSIVE majority of hunters that used to play are pissed that Survival is now melee!! Ignore people like Forumgoblin, which are in the massive minority (less than 10%, easily seen in multiple trackers like and and it’s very apparent that MSV is a hated spec despite it’s number(DPS) superiority!!!


Ok let’s see these stats

It sounds like you’re just biased and raging out the bum but this is your chance to prove yourself and show us this data

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Well I certainly hope they don’t give themselves a pat in the back because they increased MSV population numbers this patch by making it completely overpowered, and instead realise that even that wasn’t enough to bring it out of being the least played hunter spec.

  1. SV is not overpowered this patch

  2. It will always be less popular than BM and MM, as specs with braindead rotations attract more players


Yes, because Survival’s rotation is the summum of hard rotations.

Except there’s literally a meme where you can map BM’s abilities with Survival and it’s almost the same thing with a different coat of paint.


SV is right where it should be. BM still needs some more love. And I don’t play MM so it can stay where it’s at. That’s fair and balanced, imo.

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