Any Survival hunters Annoyed with

because it’s my personal conspiracy theory that demon hunters didn’t get a third spec because blizzard didn’t meet a deadline with this theoretical third demon hunter spec, and they just trashed the concept entirely
but either way, my tinfoil hat ranting aside

they could’ve rethemed msv’s kit and appropriated it to this theoretical dh third spec and just given survival a legion makeover instead
they already have a major lore character for dhs using a 2handed weapon, something no dh spec does, and to my knowledge, has the capability of doing
msurvival literally having no spec passives natively besides mastery also is sus to me
it’s the only spec in the game that has this unique status tmk


Fashionably late to the party. Now where’s your date?


Hey now, leave bepples alone! He was busy playing WoTLK classic private servers to relive the glory days of his favorite spec.

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Cool so you can go away now? Awesome!


another annoying thing to point out is that when you are on a boss or opening your vault as an anti melee hunter there are chances you can get a useless staff or polearm. what a waste. give me an option to blacklist useless weapons such as these so i do see them dropping or popping up in my vault when a nice gun or bow can show up.

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In case you don’t remember, Survival was once a spec that was broadly appealing to Hunters and saw a lot of play from regular mains of the class. If turning Survival into something detested by most Hunters is a good thing for you, maybe you should consider a different class.

This only happens if you’re Survival loot spec. If your loot spec is BM/MM you’ll never see melee weapons aside from world quests.


Yeah and pre-9/11 you could walk to the airport gate and wave goodbye to people. Things change. Your version of surv is gone. Dead. Cremated and released into the winds near a sunny lake in Wisconsin. Let it go and move on already - this hostile member-berries attitude just clogs up the forums with salt and malice.

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What? lol this isn’t the case at all

It’s just less popular because BM and MM are the 2 easiest specs in the game


Good. Working as intended :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I doubt you REALLY believe this.
I think there is a comfort effect involving Hunters, for people brand new to the game.
Picking a Class, most people, I think, would have little experience as a Warlock, Druid Shaman, or any Class, much.
There are a few though. Warriors, Priests, and Hunters.
These three, I think, newbies gravitate to, due to exposure in r/l. Hunters I think, get most, because: Priests sound boring and Warriors kill people, not animals like Hunters do. (newbies are squeamish about killing people)
That is part of that comfort, but later it kicks in again when choosing a spec becomes available.
At Lvl 10, it’s time to choose a spec. I think most newbies feel more comfortable staying out of melee, if at all possible.
And it is possible. There’s no reason to enter melee except to engage in melee. Melee is where Hunters get killed. Old-timers know this, and Newbies learn it pretty quick.
As there is no obvious advantage to melee, I think most people tend to avoid the one Hunter spec in which melee is almost a necessity.
Both BM and MM avoid melee. We are Hunters and easy to play.
MSV jump into melee. More Gladiators than Hunters, they are also easy to play.

“Things change deal with it” is NEVER a good excuse for bad design decisions. Blizzard should be capable of realising their mistakes and acting on that, and Survival being melee is absolutely a mistake. The fact that the best you can come up with to defend it is “oh well things change ¯\(ツ)/¯” speaks to that. There is no reason this spec is melee other than pride at this point.

“We knew with Survival Hunter that we were making a niche spec. It is a melee spec for a class that has traditionally being range. I think that a lot of existing hunters, they are all hunters because they want to be a range class, and so we don’t necessarily expect them or want them to feel like they should be changing; but for new players picking up that class, it is an intriguing option”

If Hazzikostas is to be believed here, which is a huge “if” to be fair given his habitual dishonesty, they knew most Hunters wouldn’t like Survival and were banking off new players and rerolls.

Now he doesn’t see that as a problem, but Hazzikostas believes all sorts of stupid things.

Do you think it’s a good thing to relegate SV to niche status forever?

Look at SV’s current tuning. If it were ranged it would undoubtedly be the most played Hunter spec. Instead it still remains relatively unpopular and even BM is far more played in M+ and raiding despite being terrible. Why continue to handicap SV like this?

Everything good about SV is in spite of being melee. Everything bad about SV is because of being melee. 95% of online defence of SV stems from the incorrect association of SV’s strengths (e.g. highly tuned uncapped AoE) to being melee.


There is really nothing to defend. Blizzard made the call to switch SV to melee, not us. Why would anyone need to defend SV being a melee spec because you disagree with Blizzard’s decision?


As a matter of fact most people are thankfully not burdened by a world view that holds Blizzard as automatically correct all the time.


Personally I’m glad there’s someone who is still carrying the torch so stubbornly for ranged survival.

It’s been SO many years since I got to play my favorite spec back in Siege of Org, I quit in WoD and came back to find MSV in its place.

If it wasn’t for Bepples being a nuisance in every survival thread I would have thought that the old flame had died off, so I hope he keeps it up since the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and if HE stops then rsv is truly dead for good.


Agreed my friend, agreed.


Hey man, if you need to disect a post to prove something I could just give you a dictionary and let you write something original

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Very true.

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Looks like you have mis-quoted someone by using the Quote function and then editing the pasted quote by actually changing a word.
Perhaps you thought it was funny. You should have thought about the effect it could have on your credibility.
Do you care if people believe what you post?


Survival is flourishing right now and will still be melee in 10.0.

If people don’t believe that then that’s their problem, not mine lol


He does that every now and then. The way he mis-quotes other posters and put in words of his own, as a means of trolling, is against the Code of Conduct. Just flag him and ignore the rest.