Any plans for vanilla realm consolidation?

Right now, all of the Wow Classic (vanilla) realms have extremely low populations. It seems as though there’s hardly anyone playing vanilla classic any more, at least in the North American non-SoM realms. Logging in is like walking into a ghost town.

Does Blizzard have any plans to shrink the number of realms (e.g. “Realm X is going away, all characters on Realm X can now be found on Realm Y instaed”)? Or, worse, do they have plans to discontinue vanilla classic entirely? (I hope not. I still want to get my shaman to level 60 so I can solo my way to the Master Enchanting trainer in Uldaman!)


I have not seen anything from Blizzard about that. I have seen plenty of people ask for it, though. I would like to see it too. I can’t imagine a realm ever maxing out again, even if all of them were consolidated to one realm. I think it would be reasonable to have one PVE and one PVP realm, and a standalone RP realm as well. I do think one drawback is the 10 character limit. I can see that being a valid reason to have more realms. I don’t think anyone would be upset if they expanded the number of toons per realm. I wouldn’t.

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Whitemane (pvp), Mankrik (pve)

In case you haven’t been paying attention, the following are already connected to the main realm above. If you aren’t on one of these realms then you won’t be seeing the main classic era population.

PVP: Anathema, Arcanite Reaper, Bigglesworth, Blaumeux, Fairbanks, Kurinnaxx, Rattlegore, Smolderweb, Thunderfury

PVE: Ashkandi, Pagle, Westfall, and Windseeker


Additional realm connections would be good for Classic Era. The initial cluster configuration was questionably made but all 5 of the NA clusters are in the same battlegroup. This begs the question why aren’t they connected further.

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yes consolidate them down to like 2 pvp and 2 pve servers also open 2 fresh start servers, then in 2 years open 2 more, and so on


The connections over consolidation have a couple player positive side effects.

  1. People get to keep their names.
  2. Almost unlimited alts/bank alt slots across this connected server network.

Biggest downside, it’s confusing to players who might be a little outside of the ‘know’.


Blizzard just needs to add more clarity to the realm connections in the Realm status menu.


They should consolidate and delete realms overtime as they did at the tailend of TBCC with Sulfuras.

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Agree. I would sub for years.

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I just made a dwarf on Pagel. Does that mean I can see and group with everyone in the connected realm list, or would it be better to make my dwarf on Mankrik?

Yes, you are correct. Players within realms of the same cluster can group/guild/trade/raid as if they were all in the same world. Reposting the Blue’s list of realm connections for visibility:

Additionally, ALL of the NA clusters are in the same battlegroup. So no matter where/how you play Classic Era, East/Westcoast PvE or PvP, the queues for instanced battlegrounds will be identical.


pagle and mankrik are the same realm on era essentially

Is there a group finding channel for endgame stuff? I’ve been leveling and haven’t seen anyone looking for instance groups much at all. I figure instance groups, especially while leveling will be rare, but curious what 60 is like.

My TAB & Connect idea solves this :wink:

Most guilds have their own Discord for organizing end game raids. Some active Alliance guilds on US East Coast cluster (Ashkandi, Mankrik, Pagle, Westfall, and Windseeker) currently include: Encore, The Unyielding, The Misfits, Phoenix Rising and C ERA. Of course, you can talk to players in-game, who were pretty friendly, IMO.


The Misfits

The Unyielding

Phoenix Rising


There are also cross-realm Discords as well:
Checkout this Discord’s raid-schedules Channel, which lists most active raiding guilds.
WoW Classic Era (NA PvE East Coast)

Vanilla Classic Era


WoW Classic Era [PvP]

Also see:

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This is what id love to see as well.

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