My beef with the riot mmo is simple how the heck are there going to add all those champions as classes to many of them for a scared they will add generic classes nameless boring lore because of how large the selection is and lore.
I personally really like ESO.
I wrote a long novel about why but decided not to post it because ESO PVP is trash and OP wants PVP.
From what I understand, MMO PVP is just awful. I think you’d probably be better off with something designed as a PVP game. Not a PVE RPG with PVP slapped on as an afterthought.
GW2 has arena as well
Wish I could help but I hate pvp. I am loving the PVE side of ESO, can’t comment on the PVP.
Because its a primarily pve game with some pvp now
This is usually a telltale sign of what people call a “hipster”.
All jokes aside, people have different tastes so it shouldn’t be too shocking that someone dislikes a game for the same reason as someone else loves it.
FFXIV has the sub numbers to boast they aren’t nearly as trash and you say. A Japanese MMO also doesn’t make it exclusively for weebs, so get out with that.
That all being said, though, Final Fantasy XIV has the most grueling start to any MMO I’ve ever played. a 2.5 second global cooldown. A slog of a tutorial and leveling experience. Loading screens every zone change. A generic fantasy story with some Final Fantasy flavors thrown in. Uninspired player character race choices (Some even sex locked).
There’s also the issue of having to wait until Late O’Clock to even have the CHANCE to make a character on the server you want. Or you can pay for the transfer. With real money. :^)
Really, for a game boasting some of the best raids out of any MMO, getting to the raids is even less fun than playing on a Classic WoW PvP server being corpse-camped.
I am returning to Albion Online, there’s a new big update coming on March 17th, which looks really promising.
Have you considered looking into another medium for PVP? Personally, I don’t like gear being a thing in that environment, so I usually play Overwatch for my PVP fix.
I know SWTOR has huttball. I didn’t mind PVP when I played that.
I’m just waiting on new world
After that who knows
Crow fall might be interesting, if it ever actually launches
Have you tried For honor?
GW2 probably is the best mmorpg for pvp right now. It has arena based pvp not just wvw. Also with presets you don’t even have to level the class you want to pvp with. The combat is pretty good being a combination of action and tab based combat. I’d give it a try
How is ESO p2w lol its not, you don’t even need a sub anymore for crafting materials since all gear is added to collections now. 100% B2P.
New world is definitely doa , I played the beta yesterday and still have access to it but its complete garbage. There isn’t even a dual wield option, or daggers… basic stuff is missing. If I were to compare it to anything I’d say its a bootleg wannabe ESO clone but really its just a crafting game with garbage combat.
Oh c’mon Old School Runescape is awesome!
My sub lapses in a few hours. I’m going back to ESO for a while just to mess around while I wait for New World and Ashes of Creation to come out.
The best gear is still crafted gear. PvPers will have a different opinion about blues but the best gear is what it is.
There are timegates to research for every crafting tier the higher the level you go the longer the time it takes to research. You can PURCHASE shortcuts to this time gate from the crown shop to accelerate how quickly you can refine the gear to get it to max efficiency/output. The more money you throw at the cash shop to purchase these…the faster you can craft top tier gear…that’s extremely pay2win.
Additionally, you can also PURCHASE XP scrolls which allow you to accumulate XP needed for the CP grind. The more money, the more scrolls, the faster you accumulate XP.
Yes, there are pay2win elements in ESO.
Man you really haven’t played ESO have you… ALL of that stuff is available from players on the auction house… you can make them and its all convenience. That is NOT p2w.
Crafted gear is best? News to me… totally depends on your build and what you’re doing. Though now that you can craft any set you’ve ever collected without having to grind it again, its actually technically true xD
It doesn’t matter if its in the auction house, the fact that you can purchase shortcuts to bypass time gates that a player who DOESN’T pay cash for has to wait through is a pay2win element. These shortcuts give you the ability to refine gear to more powerful levels.
Same crap with purchasing a sht load of XP pots to boost through the levels.
Pay2Win elements, end of story.
But it doesn’t cost cash lololololo are mounts in WoW store also p2w? I am willing to bet you’re one of those dolts that bought the potions/boosts on the crown shop then realized its just max level craftable potions that can be bought with miniscule amounts of in game gold.
Stop talking lies my dude its ugly af, you get like 9000 free pots/food/xp buff on the way to 50 anyway you’ll nver use them all guaranteed.