Any other MMOs?

So, I am leaving WOW. I am only a PVPer, I am not into scripted computer fights, just not my thing… I have played WOW for a long time but the last 2 expacs have been terrible for PVP. With no new maps, terrible epics and most importantly severe balance issues, I am looking for another game.

The problem? I hear all other MMOs are terrible at PVP but I cant imagine that it can be worse than this? If anyone has any experience in other MMO pvp let me know.

PS: I know about GW2 and though its pretty good, I am not a fan of wvw…


Yep. This is the great MMO content drought of our aging generation.

ESO - trash easy open world, no real end game, and a pay2win cash shop with 99% of mounts locked behind it

FFXIV - trash unless you’re a weeb

GW2 - fashion wars 2

Albion Online - LULS REALLY?

SWTOR - Terrible instancing, more like a single player RPG

BDO - AFK simulator w/ pay2win pvp cash shop and graphics pop-in galore

EVE Online - corporate spreadsheet simulator 2.0, work away from work

Runescape - worst movement in any game created, ever and mobile graphics

New World - DOA


World of Chorecraft - Systemlands - dungeon runner lobby game queue simulator

Anything else not listed isn’t even worth mentioning.


Anyone hear anything about New World PVP?

I know it was delayed to later this year, but havent heard anything about PvP

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Ok hold on. I don’t know all those games but you straight lied about Black desert online. It’s pay2win for convenience items but has a great combat system and in depth PvP content. The problem with it is that all pvp is either open world, a few bgs, or node wars. The gear isn’t Pay2win because the skill ceiling is so high in that game you can trash someone better geared within reason.

That said if you are an adult with disposable income you can pay your way to endgame gear in any game one way or another.

Also ashes of creation didn’t delay their alpha they delayed lifting the NDA. With how much you got wrong about just the games I know I’m worried about your post as a whole.

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I heard it was supposed to be pvp focused which got me excited but then… It went away lol.

BDO is pay2win, it’s not a lie, you’re just wrong.


edit: new world had sandbox partial loot pvp originally but I hear they changed it so its flagged pvp only or some crap like that.

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Hahahah. NEXT. Didn’t know people still did that.

You’re not wrong, but yeah that’s a pretty blunt way to say it.

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wow isnt great but it has no competition that’s greater. YET.

a lot of us are waiting.


We need something new and exciting in this space.

I would have put Wildstar on that list just to memorialize it but they had it coming catering only to hardcore pop. The game had some great concepts…but terrible execution on who it went after.

Statistically, there are more casuals in any game than try hard sweaty mythic kids.


So BDO has only open pvp? If just one Company made BGs with real PVP maps (like CTF) I would try it. WOW got the pvp model right they just goofed it all up with the balance issues and non attention to it.

The worst thing about BDO besides being an AFK simulator, is the graphical pop-in. My gosh, I legit gave that game a solid try just because I love the sandbox elements versus being theme parked into something…but those pop-ins holy hell.

Entire towns would just pop-in front of me as I was galloping. That’s a hard pass.


wildstar was so goofy lol.

their pentagrams had 6 points so they were more like stars of david. silly game lol

Why are you getting triggered over his post. So what if it doesn’t agree with what you view of it, but overall it’s not a bad statement. He’s low key spot on in a blunt way.

Just do the regular battlegrounds then in GW2. WvW isn’t as alive as it used to be.

Thought this list was supposed to be all negatives.


Go do some real PvP and stop playing capture the flag in a little court

Darkfall Unholy Wars (

Get ready to run naked to try and get your gear back.


Have you even played the game past logging in?

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We gotta wait and see what Riot Games does with their mmorpg product. I don’t think Blue Protocol gonna matter considering it’s mostly pve focus. I know for sure upcoming indie game mmorpg games not going to hold people for long either.

The game was fun, but their narrative and designs killed them. I always like to put ESO and WildStar as comparisons. Both came out the same year and had a rough start, but only one made it through reaching the top 10s or 5s and we already know what game is that.


Yep, and found it incredibly bland, flat and boring and any additional derivative of unfun that you can think of.

I especially didn’t enjoy feeling like I was playing hyper instanced and closed off shards called “zones”. Way worse than what we got with BFA/Shadowlands. At least in WoW it feels somewhat open specifically in the older content.

FFXIV just feels super closed off and probably an unpopular opinion but I did not find the graphics or aesthetics pleasing at all. Not my thing, sorry. I give WoW the point in the design/art section.


Honestly, besides WoW… there isn’t much choice.

DDO and EQ2 are fun… but man do they show their age. Plus I had to pay irl money to unlock a race in DDO.

Once again, I’d like to use this post to suggest a new pirate MMORPG.