Any good spots left to gank low levels?

“I’m so bad at pvp, I need to stroke my ego by killing those that can’t fight back”

This is the reason pvp servers are dead and will never come back. Good riddance.


Because of this reason. " This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or a violation of our code of conduct. "


Pulls out pen We’ll mark this down as reason number 425 that I stopped PvPing long ago. Thank you for your contribution to the list OP. And to the ignore list. You have a bright and fantastic day.

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Good luck fighting low levels since that seems to be all you can do. :smiley:

I would try duskwood, its close to sw so lvlers might be more likely to go there.

I consider myself a reasonable person and I didn’t find anything offensive or abusive, nor did it violate anything defined in the Code of Conduct.

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Just your average “WoW needs to make pvp servers again” enjoyer.

Duskwood is good and stranglethorne :slight_smile:

Well others did seem to find it breaks the TOS, so they hit flag on it.

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Just look at OP’s profile. It says all you need to know about why he has to gank low lvl players. Can’t get above an M+12 in PvE so he has to retort to only thing that makes him feel good at game. Keep it up man, we are really all proud of you!! You the man!!
Oh and all the talk about “I pvp people my own lvl all the time” Not with that gear you don’t, you’d get wasted!

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What part of the TOS?.. I’m interested to know. Blizzard’s position on it is that ganking lowbies is part of the game.

making videos is fun, it’s mostly stupid stuff.


It is “Griefing”

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You mean like this entire thread?

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oh no plese don’t ignore me.

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Better not go around ganking them on that toon…you’ll get wrecked lol. Gotta pull out a better ganker to get the job done. Know how you truly gank someone? Do it on your main. And one that is super good so that way anytime someone tries to stop your ganking, they cannot.

I got plenty of toons but what do you mean? my priest is pretty much exactly where I want him.

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Attack a capital you’ll always find some action. Of course , if you’re doing it to see the fun things that happen , you wouldn’t attack low population areas


The WorldDefense channel doesn’t work anymore, so you’re honestly just wasting your time ganking unless the gankee calls in guildies.

I see " X Is under attack" in that channel all the time. Of course, that is by real pvpers.