Any good spots left to gank low levels?

I heard that Redridge is good for ganking pandas.

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we’re talking about wow. on a wow forum. you dont pvp in wow. so you dont know what you’re talking about.


Probably Duskwood… always lots of flagged lowbies there


PvP is pvp, be it WoW, Aion, FF, or anything else. It is the same DEAD content because of people who like to attack others who can’t fight back.

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Probably redridge, duskwood, maybe loch modan, but that zone is pretty big and spaced out.

Though, ive leveled a lot of toons in WM and never been ganked. Barely even see others. If i did get ganked id prolly just accept rez sickness and turn off WM for like 20 minutes.

it’s kind of funny because getting ganked while i was leveling back in vanilla is what got me into pvp in wow so you’re dead wrong about that.

but it doesn’t matter, you’re honor level 4. bye.


Fixed it for you.


:dracthyr_comfy_sip: I like PvP. I’m also terrible at PvP and lose in most of my encounters (since I’m usually disinterested in an optimal PvP build). But depending on the game it adds an air of danger that sometimes works really well (like in Worlds Adrift it worked fantastically; yes there were plenty of airships faster and more powerful (and better crewed) than mine, but I learned how to work around it and hide my primary ship under islands and how to generally escape from pursuers, and how to scavenge their remnants (plus the rare time I encountered a player who didn’t attack me or even offered to help me, it was very genuine)). Certain types of PvP gives you stories of evading people you can’t go up against. Though, the game needs to be designed well for such things and most PvP games aren’t.

Though, in WoW world PvP is kinda lame tbh. I can only see it being particularly fun in WoW if you organize like a guild battle against an opposing guild (though I’ve never partook in such things).

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shhh… that’s where I level my alts… he should definitely go to Duskwood or Redridge…


look at my honor level, then look at yours.


Look at your morals then look at mine :smiley: anyone can farm or buy honor levels, it is just a number and does not prove you are “good”

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never said i was good, just said i pvp and you don’t.


LOL, again your games played don’t prove you pvp, what it shows is you did more of the Big pvp areas like they had in WoD. Where farming kills was easy.

my youtube channels shows plenty of my pvp


That’s nice.

heh… why is this thread flagged? … seemed like an honest question…

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thanks. good luck fighting the computer monsters i hope your thing drops so you can keep fighting computer monsters.


It worked!


lol imagine being the sort of person who thinks their WoW PvP is worth recording