Any blood elf's here that don't like how evil the horde became

Hear. Hear.

Yep. Pretty much this. Though, I myself am a sociopath irl too. Or maybe I’m not.

I am in fact a 6000 year old sin’dorei who brews my own poisons and takes out assassin jobs in real life too. Whatchu talkin’ 'bout Willis?

You do it for the thrill or something? Otherwise learn to manage your money better. After 6000 years on the job I would have figured out how to retire already.


I am but a smol vulpera rogue

My budget is
20 dollars on daggers
10 on poison
16 dollars on leather
6400 dollars on dice
25 dollars on shoes

Someone help me balance my budget


I would much rather accompany you to the clubs you frequent.

I see your problem.

Allocate 5 from daggers, 6 from leather, 5 from shoes, and put them all in dice.

Oh worm…ya played yourself

Youre absolutely right. Thank you for the help!

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Oh no i dont gamble at clubs

I have to roll 6d6 whenever i swing my sword and i refuse to pick them back up

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quoted in full for denim reasons

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But not flannel reasons.

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requesting Coloroid reasons

Not to dive deep into another “who’s gaslighting who the mostest” match on the WoW forums but what they said is true. Wrath was pretty clear about it. Aethas wanting to go where the rest of his people were being coerced not withstanding.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy let this die please oh my god

Oh no. Oh God I am sorry. I didn’t see the dates I suck at these new forums ;-;


i’ll allow it

you’re going to be pulled aprt by apes who were taught to use war paddles. they will guard the diamonds and Tim Curry will die.

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The war games begin anew. The flies already swarm.

God is dead and so am I.

This is not flagged

But this is flagged

Am I missing somethings