Any blood elf's here that don't like how evil the horde became

i’m still not following but it’s fine

idk what spicy takes are.

i get enough old ladies yelling n-words at me in portillos to tell you…racism isnt fun

I immediately pictured the Sun Elves from Dragon Prince myself.


I have seen it. I think people can think of example of it as well IRL. I hate to say it but I mean the term “Yellow Fever” is an example. It is a pretty clear and crass example of people using race as a fetish. I have seen other examples not only IRL but talked about in game, so yeah I agree I am pretty sure that some people want that in game for purely fetish reasons.

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I don’t think Tanari are oriental they seem more based off of Dune’s fremen then anything.

And I would like to see them as an allied race, possibly with a unique model al a Kul Tiras.change things up, make them horde so I can finally make my fremen guild without having to be alliance humans (mainly cause all my alliance human characters will always be from Stromgarde. No exceptions).

Why are we the way that we are


Hi colepain

tanari humans aren’t real it’s been 6 years since that fad was a thing

it’s literally just some bandits who went to look for some sand treasure stuff

stop it


I imagine those that want diversity other than just the plain white humans far far outweigh any “fetish reasons”.


693 posts nice

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I mean the beauty of RP is the flexibility of it. As long as it isn’t hurting anyone, no harm no foul in my opinion.

So as far as I’m concerned, bring on the Tanari RP!

Lore wise the Horde does not even make sense anymore. None of its races would stuck around in it with the writing of BfA and probably even Legion.

Really hoping they show some real changes with the new counsel

I am not making that argument. Everyone that I see more or less agrees with that. I just saw Selleth getting flamed for something I have seen myself. So I am not going to be dishonest and say it doesn’t or won’t happen because I know it will. It is not an argument against having greater character customization that will make people included just an observation.

Happens a lot with differing opinions

looks around This thing is still alive?

Personally I would really love to see the factions fall apart and splinter in some way that gave us more flexibility on what race works with what faction and supports which actions.

One game I had played let us start with the race/faction that was default, but then through game play you could gain or loose reputation with all the other race/faction groups. You could end up siding and being a hero among another group and kill-on-sight in your own races’ city.

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No more factions!

I wanna group with everyone and kill everyone!


Ok, I’ve read through most of the thread here, and I’d like to bring it back around to the original topic, but first, there’s one thing I want to address, summed up by this:

I firmly disagree with this statement and others like it. I have friends who play or have played WoW and played characters WILDLY different from who I know them to be in real life. My best friend played a priestess who was viciously religious and attempting to convert everyone in her view (and for his own personal laugh, he made that view Goldshire inn, just to mess with all the MG folks who “spend time” there). He’s so chill and laid back in real life that the difference in personalities shocked me. My own fiance played a female elf who was so ditzy and dumb, I literally had to turn around to look and see if it was really him playing. My brother played a slaughter-happy undead who thrived on killing everything and everyone, in real life he’s a police officer who would never hurt an innocent. I myself play a thieving, backstabbing rogue as a main, but in my reality, I have two jobs and I hate liars with a passion.

It IS possible to play characters in a game without actually being like those characters in reality. I have met many people on both the Blue and the Red side that I love talking to, as well as several on each who end up on my ignore list VERY quickly because I just don’t have the time or energy to spend on their negativity. And my personal view is that the best way to squash negativity and hate is to stop giving it a platform. If EVERY player put the hateful ones on ignore, they’d go away, because they’d stop getting the attention that even this thread is giving them! /end rant

NOW, to the topic at hand, my elves were never really part of mainstream Silvermoon society, so they don’t technically exist in the “full” Horde membership. My huntress left to wander the wilds, and the only creatures she is truly loyal to are her pets and the few individuals who have aided her at one time or another. I did have her present on the Isle of Thunder and she developed a healthy respect for Lor’themar’s desire to rejoin the Alliance, even though it didn’t happen. That pragmatism on his part is one thing that keeps my playing my Blood Elves, and remains one of my favourite storylines to this day.

My rogue is a pirate who was found on the Ghostlands shoreline by the ship she now sails on, so she hasn’t even lived in elven territory for years. My mage isn’t technically an elf, she just looks like one. (Yes, I roleplay a character as a dragon, but mostly as an in-game way to explain the sheer amount of lore I know that my characters probably shouldn’t.) My paladin is focused on finding out what happened to her parents more than the goings on of the “war”. And my priestess, Nightfallen, is only just a new Horde member, and she cares most about the fact that the Blood Elves accepted her people when the Night Elves wouldn’t. And while we’re at it, my troll druid is a low-rank member of the Cenarion Circle, so is more focused on healing the world, while my goblin is from Dalaran and cares only about her experiments and being better than the snotty little gnome from her mage classes.

There are dozens of factions in game, many of them at least nominally neutral, so there are plenty of options for me to take my characters to. And honestly, that variety is what keeps me playing even when I swear I’m going to stop.

As to the opinion that has been expressed that it’d be interesting to see Blizzard dissolve the factions, I fully agree. Only I’d like to see the entire thing go, Horde and Alliance. Want to be friendly with another race? Guess who’s questing for it! I’d love to see Orcs questing on Bloodmyst Isle to get the Draenei to help share some of their technical skills, or Forsaken questing in Troll lands to learn better necromancy/voodoo. Blood Elves could quest in Alliance territory to re-establish contact with their High Elf and Void Elf relations. And it’d be interesting to have a collection of class quests related to groups like the Cenarion Circle or Earthen Ring to allow the different races to learn to work together more effectively. It’s a complete pipe dream, and I know it, but it’s fun to think about sometimes.




vengeance of the blood’s post