Any blood elf's here that don't like how evil the horde became

is this a “fetishes are like onions” post or is this the wrong take away

ogres are like rpers

they stink and nobody likes them


Onions and fetishes have knives and tears in common.


its still gamer time.

more of a “there could be many reasons why they would want it”

but in my experience its usually for erp

in my experience, people might just want to make video game avatars that look like them

also i think that says more about the people you talk to than you would like


I am begging you to think before you post


i’m over here trying to tell people not to tear into this poor confused person and end up with egg on my face

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Isn’t that just WrA 101?

hey guys what’s going on in this thread ohhhhh my goddddddd


this was years ago, made me uncomfortable. now the only people i talk to are the forum posters…marginal upgrade lol

If I could get wrathions model for my belf, that would be the best thing in the world

Ok, now that I’m over the momentary complete and utter shock that someone could mistake the need for diversity in the game for some kind of kink…

No. Just no. For years, POC have wanted, needed and been denied representation everywhere. EVERYWHERE. In TV, movies, books, video games. In the workplace where there’s so often a glass ceiling. In government. In education. In living standards.

When Whoopi Goldberg was so excited to see Nichelle Nichols on Star Trek’s bridge, that wasn’t fetish bait. When we elected Obama, that wasn’t fetish bait. When people complained about #oscarssowhite, that wasn’t fetish bait. When people “ship” characters together in fanfic, it’s not fetish bait!

It’s looking for a fair and equal representation for everyone in both real life and within their favorite genre. And if fair means your cast has more than one POC (shocker, I know!), then we want to see that because we see it’s missing. If fair means that a video game needs to have LGBTQ representation that is more than just hinted at, then it’s not a fetish bait - it’s because we want our friends and family (or ourselves) to be represented in a part of something that is important to us. And yes, media of all kinds is important. Seeing fair representation “normalizes” the concept of different races, beliefs, orientations and cultures to people who have no real life experience with it. I can’t tell you the number of people I know who are afraid of people or concepts they are unfamiliar with. If they have no diversity in their real lives, then it’s up to things like media to show it to them, to give them a fair and equal representation. It promotes acceptance and decries bigotry.

Putting in the updated character creations is probably the single most positive and important thing Blizz has ever done in WoW.


i wonder how many people think im fetish bait, since sint is both black and a lesbian…

questions for later. i am neither of those things, so you can see where it might concern me. part of me wonders how many people see things like what i do, or what other people do, and just object at the basis of what is being made, not on the actual content being created.

This is the same person that thinks “racism” and “thinking the Flag of Ownership makes the game less fun for a casual audience” are equivalent in severity, so I don’t know if this conversation is likely to be productive.

Somewhere something has been dredged up from the forum abyss and is going to take this bait. A thousand curses upon you.

i am the curse, sockman.

come again for big fudge?

yes, i am a poc who has wanted these things and i appreciate the diversity when its included.

youre not referencing me, right?

Save… your… self…
[Death rattle]

…in response to an admittedly spicy take on my part in another thread.

I usually don’t like to air my own dirty laundry and stuff, but it was such a bizarre non-sequiter that I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it since.