Any blood elf's here that don't like how evil the horde became

imagine getting to the point where you’re known for calling people “worthless lying filth” out of nowhere, like someone sees the phrase on the forums and they’ve never seen the alt before but they suddenly know, “oh i know who that is”

and then you claim to be the voice of reason


yeah it’s weird i remembered that.

it’s a few too many hoops to pre-emptively jump through to try and look right/superior/what have you

there’s a reason i felt deja vu. this has happened before!

I feel like I missed out on something juicy. I don’t know who this person is. :confused:

thats how i feel when ppl ask for playable poc…

i know theres probably an onions worth of layers to it, but i cant help but think its fetish bait

is it too mean to call this a galaxy brain take

its why i dont say anything and let ppl do what they want. from children to femboys to Tanari and everything inbetween.

Yes. Wanting equal representation of race is the same as any of that


I’ve lost the ability to tell when ppl are being weird about things

I just go with the safe bet and assume yes, it’s gunna be weird.

PoC are fetish bait???


yes, my friend. i am fetish bait

Maybe… PoC stands for something else?

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to some people.

some want pocs for the diversity, some want them for the erp.

being objectified is a strange feeling

Oh god why does this have 650+ replies

It’s the thread that just keeps on giving.


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just b/c the tanari are orientalist garbage doesn’t mean that every person asking for poc wants that to be the standard.