Anyone that knows these server wells. Is there a big difference between them?
Yes, they have different names! Most people don’t realize this, until it is too late!
Moon Guard has Goldshire Inn.
Mind = Blown
Moon Guard is larger, I believe. I haven’t played on Emerald Dream, so I can’t comment outside of seeing them around in CRZ.
i know… I KNOW!!
What I have read is that ED is more PvP centric with lots of multiboxers; moonguard players roleplay more often and has a huge erp problem.
It’s not a “huge erp problem.”
Just avoid Goldshire.
What you said, I rp all the time on Moon Guard and outside of Goldshire it isn’t a problem at all.
It is a blackhole that is consuming the whole server.
Hows MG in the PvE raid scene?
It’s actually not too bad. I see a lot of guild advertising for raiding and they get along with the roleplayers.
Honestly no idea, its there I am sure but that is not really my thing.
My suggestion would be to make a character on each and see what you think.
Got a lvl 21 warrior on MG right now. I like how active the community is. Not what im used to on a Norm pve realm
Im having a hard time finding a guild that fights my raid times and i end up pugging most stuff now anyhow due to work schedule. Very late night and weekends are few are far between.
So was thinking of switching to MG or ED since the community doesn’t feel dead outside of a guild
Levels of self-respect.
ED is great. We have a tight rp community, we have PvP, we have toxicity in trade chat and we have me.
Not interested in PVP at all. So that might be what shys me away from ED
Hear it from them wpvp is pretty much gone
I have been on ED since vanilla. Its changed a lot along the way , but it’s still a high pop server with a lot of great people and guilds. I love it here. I came from a low pop rp realm.
You could also check out Wyrmrest Accord. They’ve got a lot of raiders and roleplayers. Horde side is a bit larger, but I’m told Alliance side is doing well.