Is ED still the place to be?

I recently have found myself with a lot more free time and there are three things I enjoy about this game

World PVP
and RP

I remember emerald dream being the ideal place for all of this but it has been so long since I have researched. While I admit it may seem silly of a question to ask the emerald dream forums but please try to be UN-biased and of course your words are very much appreciated.


Wpvp has died off a lot due to sharding and the flight path whistle which people finish their objective and instantly use it so you don’t come in contact with people very often like you used to. But I mean ED will always be known as emerald drama home of wpvp

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Wpvp was somewhat killed off thanks to Warmode and sharding, community mostly keeps to itself, and rp is mostly in guild. Though community is nice so there’s that

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It’s sickening m’lord💪

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Honestly, wpvp is kinda dying off. I’ve been doing more rp and rated pvp. Thats what is great about the dream.

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All of your honesty is greatly appreciated!

Being as objective as I can be…

  • World PvP is somewhat niche and only ran by a few select guilds right now. A lot of the time WPvP consists of premade groups, unfortunately, comprised of players from random realms.

  • The community is somewhat a shell of what it once was. Toxicity is certainly on the rise, nevertheless you can find very decent people. I suggest you do your due diligence when deciding upon which guild you’re joining.

  • Roleplay is not my cup of tea, but from reading this forum it seems you can definitely find some good RP here still. You’ll probably find some of the gentler players in this type of gameplay, too.

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Wpvp is hard unless you pre-arrange and use an older area… too much sharding in the new zones. And currently, there are groups on Horde and Alliance working together for small scale rp-pvp. Large scale, just crashes the server!

The community, see above, alliance and horde working together to promote pvp and rp and quite often joking and laughing with each other in the horde or alliance discords.

Roleplay has seen some new folks getting involved and stepping up, i speak from the horde side on this, and while a lot of evetns are in-guild only, we use the in game community calendar to advertise evetns, as well as there is a forum post for horde events that i try to keep up to date, so folks can plan ahead! Bar nights, new war council meetings, healer meetings, sports, fine dining, and a new transmog beach party are just a few things going on.


Still beats moan guard and wra in my eyes


RP’s generally pretty solid. Community has a variery of guilds so you can find your preferred flavor - Horde side at least I can’t speak to the Alliance.

WPVP is fine. You’ll obviously run into it most frequently in Zandalar and Kul Tiras but it’s not uncommon to see Horde or Alliance busting into eachother’s city’s to cause some chaos.

Honestly I blame the lack of variety of conflict on the death of the World Defense alerts. If you want a fight you’ll have to go where players are. More remote and for my money more interesting places to fight rarely get a response unless you preplanned it - which is understandable if nobodys there and thus nobody knows it’s under attack.

ED is still the place to be.

I’m still here after all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


While i may not have been here as ling as most of yall (7 years now?) no place id rather be

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Level to 120 already lol

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OK, I refreshed my forum avatar by relogging it in for you. :kissing_heart:


Thanks :heart:

Ten characters

Emerald Dream is the best server around. IMO of course.

If you want to actually see other people. I dont think ED is the place to be.

Go on any other server and visit goldshire, (Hopefully you have a level 20 Dark Iron or something) - It will be pretty populated everywhere but ED. Same goes for WPVP

Right most other rp servers love their erp. Eders enjoy rping in current content!

Come to emerald dream!

Hi there all. This thread is just what I’m looking for! I’m thinking of moving here from WrA seeking a friendlier community.

I prefer quality over quantity with RP so MG is definitely a nogo.

I wanted to ask about world rp as thats something that seems to be on the out on every server.

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