Any big differences from Moonguard and ED?

Please stop spreading lies. Thanks.

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Lol. Because if they cleaned up Moon Guard, the infection would only spread to other places. Moon Guard is the containment unit.

No, its actually a HUGE problem there. Then they make up characters on WRA and try to place the blame of their perversions on the WRA player base to try and make themselves not look like the only oneā€™s doing the stuff. You could permaban 90% of the playerbase of MG and the problem would mostly die off overnight.

Except that it is not lies. Iā€™ve tried playing on the server multiple times and the ERP is not just in Goldshire (iā€™ve tried playing on both sides). Itā€™s literally in every zone you go to except ogrimmar (yes, i caught someone doing it in Stormwind as some of their ā€œchatā€ leaked out into local chat).

Edit: I love how you trick me to respond to you enough times to make it to where i canā€™t respond again.

Itā€™s players from MG making characters up on WRA to make WRA look bad.

Also, iā€™m not the one twisting things around to try and make MG look like an angelic paradise when itā€™s actually far far from it.

You are the one being insulting when you know you arenā€™t telling the truth.

Whatā€™s wrong with that?

No itā€™s not. Iā€™ve been on Moon Guard and Wyrmrest since both servers launched. MG is most certainly not ā€œfull of pervertsā€ and itā€™s not a ā€œhuge problem.ā€ ERP exists. And can easily be ignored and avoided.

Cut the hyperbole. MG is just as good of a server as Wyrmrest.

Yes it is. ERP exists on both servers-- or do you want me to point out how bad Silvermoon can be on Wyrmrest?

You can avoid and ignore it without being so hostile to those who play on the server.

If you dislike the server, thatā€™s fine. But to try to say that 90% of MG is ERP is lying and insulting.

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