Any allied races going to be announced at blizcon?

Neutrals. They are neutral

I doubt it’ll happen, but one can hope.

Playable Ogres announcement = Blizz stock to the moon/world peace forever

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This is something I hope they announce at the next Blizzcon, which will be in Nov if it happens :stuck_out_tongue:

Ogres wouldn’t be an allied race, but a new one, so that would come with the next xpac (I would think.)


What annoys me about it is it’s called a haymaker and it’s extremely slow and telegraphed. Any actual fighter would dodge that 100% of the time. It should be a quick uppercut that sends people flying not a slow stupid haymaker.

I’ll take new Allied Races as long as they are instantly unlocked and neutral. No logical reason for them to be picking sides. Also, no rigmarole we have to go through to play them. A short and simple unlock quest chain would be fine, though.

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I could see them going this way with the Shadowlands races, but it does open up a certain can of worms. If Allied Races could be neutral, then there never was any reason any of the Legion races or Mechagnomes should’ve picked a side.

That said, with the Shadowlands races at least they could set it up so that your character was a living individual who became one of those races, and your time on Azeroth is a kind of, “vacation time.” We know Maldraxxus soldiers can retire, and with the Kyrians, after they ascend they get a period of time to explore the universe. I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar wasn’t plausible with the Venthyr or Night Fae.


I’d prefer updates to the races we have now instead of another 1-3 years of Alliance posters and sympathizers moaning nonstop about what we’re getting compared to what the Horde is getting or already has, as what happened during the entirety of BfA and, to a lesser extent, is still happening now.

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As long as someone gets the darn snakes.

People want the Sethrak. Let them have their snakes.

Please. :broken_heart:


Hoping for San’layn myself.


Hope not. I’d rather they spend time developing actual races, instead of glorified customization options

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God I hope not.

Allied races are a menace like High elves.

Both must be extinguished.

If they announced Kyrian as a playable race, I’d be there in a flash.


No one knows for short.

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I mean there are couple of allied races that have been staring them in the face since MoP. The Jinyu and the Hozen.


I’ll always keep hope for Saurok and Ogres to become playable Horde races! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I want the next expansion to get the TBC treatment. Please and thank you. :partying_face:

(We all know how that worked out for them.)

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